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Y/n pov

The days flew by and suddenly it was again monday morning time to go back to school, I had the best time of my life in the villa with Jungkook he made me forget about all the things that were happening around me I needed that.

"Are you ready?"  he asks as he was ready to leave for school, for the first time we could walk together to school and be together in school, I was nervous, I was thinking they would maybe look at me weird or leaving Jungkook behind because he is now with me.

"Yes" I sighed out with a small smile trying to keep my head up, trying not to be scared.

He noticed my tense behavior and placed his hands on both of my shoulders massaging them a little, "you don't need to be scared if they don't like seeing us together they can just fuck off".

I laughed at his words knowing he wouldn't care if they like me or not "okay let's go" he wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer, letting his hands go up and down over my arms to calm me down.


When we could see the school, the nerves really started to form but I tried to cover it up by placing a gentle smile on my face hoping no one would notice my scared look underneath it.

With his arm wrapped around my waist we walked in the hallway, everyone immediatly snapping their heads to us and when I say everyone I mean everyone even the teachers, I couldn't read the expressions on their faces if it was good or not.

I felt Jungkook's arms tighten around my waist pulling me closer, I looked at him but he was already looking at me with a smile on his face suddenly everything froze I only saw him no one else, I saw every detail the way his lips went up amost to his ears if he could, eyes squinting I could see the love in his eyes.

He leaned down kissing my lips, ofcourse I kissed him back smiling in the kiss, I was nervous because now everyone knew it wasn't a joke or some prank of him they all knew it was me he was in love with.

He pulled away with a shy smile looking down at his feet but immediatly looking around him, everyone still in shock and frozen on their spot.

"Yeah you saw that right I only love Y/n if you don't fucking like that than fuck off" he said for the whole hallway, my heart fluttered and got a little confident but I also felt the little ashamed feeling.

Suddenly everyone smiled at us some people even started clapping I didn't know for what but I felt honored I guess.

"FUCK YEAH BUD" Hyunjin screamed for the whole school, I laughed at his words when he ran to us giving him a high-five, "and did you two have fun in the vila?" he asks as he came walking next to me wiggling his eyebrows.

"We had so much fun" I said winking at him knowing where he was going with his question, he giggled "I knew I shouldn't have come"  I smirked at him in response.


We came home happy that no one said something wrong, ofcourse there were people who looked jeaulous but no one said a thing.

"We still need to pick up some things that are in my old house maybe we could do that now?"  we still had our jackets and shoes on so I thought now would be a great time.

"Sure do you still have the keys?" I nodded, we talked about it already he told me I could put my stuff in his room since he had a pretty big room he wouldn't mind.

When we arrived I could see all the memories in front of me replaying them in my head, everytime I walked with fear in and out of the house, I could see him walking late home again with an empty bottle in his hand.

School Enemies  //JK x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now