Chapter 6

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Y/n pov

You know already what happened when I came home but this time it was worser he slapped the sh*t out of me and poured hot coffee over my arm which left some burns. I took care of it and immediantly went to bed with some music in my ears.

This morning I woke up around 10am drenched in sweat because of the nightmare I had again, I almost have it every night sp it isn't like a weird thing I got used to it. I went downstairs ate something cleaned all the empty bottles while he was sleeping on the couch.

I went upstairs and did homework for almost the rest of the day. I dont meet up with my friends a lot because of my dad.

At night I texted with Lia and Sana in our groupchat.

LIA:                                                                                                                                                                                            Hi girls, what if we did a sleepover next weekend its been so long?

SANA:                                                                                                                                                                                       Great idea! I will ask my parents but they will probably agree :)

                                                                                                                                                                     ME:                                                                                                                                                                  Euhmm I will ask ,                                                                                        but idk my dad wont let me go out much but i'll ask:)))

LIA:                                                                                                                                                                                             Ok fine, see you guys tmrw.

Sana:                                                                                                                                                                                          I'm looking forward to it!! Goodnight see ya tommorow <3


                                                                                                                                                                  SEE YA!

Now I was even more nervous of the tought to ask my dad again to leave the house I'm sure he will let me go but what will happen afterwards is terifying... I just went to bed and tried to sleep.

3am and I still couldn't fall asleep by my thoughts it kept creaping me out so I just put my earpods in again and stared forward, I didn't sleep the whole night.

In class I was really tired so I fell asleep what never happens, I sat next to some guy I dont know. "Miss Y/n" "Y/N!" I sprung up by the yelling my teacher looked mad at me, he stood in front of my desk. "DETENTION" he said.

Great how will I explain that to my dad "yes sir" I aswered and he went back to his lesson. 

While break Jungkook came to me "looks like we have detention togheter" he said while rolling his eyes. Out of all people it needed to be him "great" I said sarcastic not in the mood to say more I juts stood there waiting for Sana and Lia.

(time skip detention)

Me and jungkook were the only one in detention I was really tired but managed to do the exercises for tomorrow. There was still an half hour left so I just sat there since we needed to give in our phones.

"Why are you shaking" Jungkook suddently asked what made me froze was it that clear? "A-am I?" I stutterd knowing I'm bad at lying.

"Yes is there something , are you scared of me?" he teased with a smirk plastered on his face "n-o" I said with a scared and serious face I was just not in the mood for his teasing. 

Jungkook pov

I saw her face and there wasn't a glanse of happiness I only saw that she was scared but off what its not like one time detention is gonna ruin everything.

"Y/n tell me whats going on detention isn't that bad for your repetation" I asked serious now she still didn't look at me. "I am not s-scared" she stutterd what said enough "Yes you are but off what tell me" she looked at me with her eyes filled with water and her hands that were still shaking.

It was silent no one spoke anymore we just stared at eachother..

*RINGGG* the signal we could go home came we went out and I saw her going to a man who was standing there he grabbed her by the arm roughly and they walked away. She was still shaking ..

It isn't what i think it looks like is it? Because difference I would hate myself for always making her fall or making fun of her, I'm gonna talk about it with my mom she knows girls better i think?

"Hi mom" I said and gave her a hug " hey sweatheart were you the only one in detention again?" she asked because I always tell her how much I hate it to be alone in detention. "No y/n was there too because she fell asleep in class" I laughed to myself by her cute face while she was sleeping, I gave myself a mental slap for saying that and stopped laughing.

"But mom I wondered she looked really nervous and she was like shaking and almost crying in detention en when we came out I saw I guess her dad grabbing her arm very rough isn't that weird?" my words made my mom in shock and thinking.

"It isn't what I think it is I hope" she said after a while I look up at her with a confused face.

"What if she gets abused?" she said while we looked eachother in the eyes without uttering another word.


Thankyou for reading this was a shorther chapter sorry hope you still liked it❤

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