Chapter 31

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Y/n pov

I woke up by my alarm going off I groaned because I didn't wanna fo to school I looked next to me and saw Jungkook sleeping with his mouth open leaving soft snores which made me giggle I shook his arm a little "Kookieeee" I sang softly to wake him up, his eyes opened slowly and he looked at me immediantly which made him smile "goodmorning baby" he said while wrapping his arm around me and pulled me closer to him and gave me a long kiss followed by a groan "I dont wanna go to school" he said with an irritated voice. 

"Same here but we have to" I answered him while standing up and walking to the bathroom to dress up, I did my make-up and covered all my bruises up to make sure none of it will be noticable. I walked back to his room "the bathroom is fr-" I was left speechless when I found him dressing him self up but was standing there with a bare chest which was hot as fuck.

"Can you stop staring" he said and I immediantly became red and looked up at him "o-oh yeah s-sorry" I apologized softly he pulled over his t-shirt and came to me and went to my ear "you liked that huh" he whispered in my ear he pulled away and looked at me "I-" he smilled at my reaction when he saw that I didn't know what to say, he cupped my cheeks with both of his hands and came closer until our lips were almost touching "dont explain yourself because fuck I would have the same reaction when I woul've seen you dress up here" he grinned and kissed me.

His words made my tensed shoulders relax a little "relax baby dont get so shy easily for sure not around me" he said while pulling away and looking me in the eyes with a comfort smile, I gave him a smile back "I'll try" I said "are we gonna eat?" he asked and I nodded "sure" I replied and we went downstairs.

"It's tuesday your mom should be home right?" I asked when I didn't saw her when I didn't get an answer I looked at Jungkook only to find him staring at me "what?" I asked not knowing why he would be looking like that at me "you remeber when my mother is working or not?" he asked curiously and then I tought about it, it was weird how I already knew it I looked back at him and smilled "euhm yeah I didn't really tought about it tho" I replied.

Jungkook pov

I was shocked because she remembered and it means she thinks about my mom too which means a lot to me I smilled to myself by that "oh ok she texted me that she switched her shift with someone" I answered and she nodded "ah ok". We ate our breakfast and walked to school the same way we always do I noticed a message from my phone so I took it and looked at it.

Y/N: Do you think Sana and Lia will still be mad?

ME: I don't know maybe you should try to talk about it and fix things?

Y/N: Ok I'll try 

So she was still worried about that, I hope her friends wont be to hard on her I don't want her to get hurt and since nobody else knows about her home situation I'm scared that her friends will say hurtfull things. I looked at her from across the street and saw her looking down at her feed sad while walking.

ME: Hey , don't worry about it to much ok I am here for you remember that ok?

Y/n: I know thank you <3

I looked at her again and now she looked back I gave her a smile which got returned. When I walked in school I saw Y/n searching for her friends and let her, while Hyunjin wasn't here I decided to stand with the players from our sport group I'm in. 

After a while I found Y/n standing with Lia and Sana talking altough something seemed of by the way she didn't say anything and when she tried the other two ignored it, it made me mad how they ignored her knowing Y/n was already stressed out about this. My fist became hard and I clenched my jaw but then Y/n looked at me and noticed my behavior 'dont' she mouthed and shook her head, I nodded and relax a bit. Just then the signal to go to class was sounded so we went to our class.

I came in class to see Lia and Sana sitting next to eachother which wasn't usual then I saw Y/n sitting at the back alone looking out of the window there was still a seat left next to her and since Hyunjin was sick I decided to sit next to her I didn't even care anymore if anyone would say something about me and her sitting next to eachother.

I took the seat next to her and then she looked at me with soft eyes "we're enemies here so" she said softly "I don't care I wanna sit next to you" I replied and altough she didn't smile I could see a glance in her eyes which said that she was happy that I could sit next to her. "So what did they say?" I asked for the teacher would come in and make me wait 2 hours.

"I'm fine don't worry about it" she said but I could see in her eyes that she was ad and dissapointed "hey, I see there is something wrong I told you you could always tell me" I said while looking at her "they just keep ignoring me and act like I'm not there" I saw the sad glimps in her eyes when she said that "I just keep dissapointing people" these words made me affraid , affraid that she don't think she's good enough.

"Why? Which people?" I asked " My dad my friends maybe even my mom I don't even know where she is or who she is" She replied avoiding eye contact and looking out of the window but I could see tears forming in her eyes. "Listen Y/n you are worth it and you never dissapointed anyone ok they just don't see what you're going trough or how much you try promise me you'll never say such a thing again please" I begged her because I don't want her to feel bad about herself.

She turned her head at me and looked at me "I promise" I smilled of her answer and she smilled back "tell your friends that you just have a bussy life or smt and that it was never your intention to hurt them" I tell her and she nodded "I'll tell them when it's break". After she said that the teacher came in and the day began....


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