Chapter 15

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Y/n pov

I woke up the next morning without Jungkook next to me so I dressed up and went to look after him, he wasnt upstairs so I went downstairs and saw him making breakfast with his mom I smilled at how good caring he was with his mom. "Can I help" I said while yawning a bit Jungkook turned around with a smile his smile maked me smile too. "No just take a seat" his mom said so I took a seat.

After 5 minutes they were done and placed everything on the table and Jungkook took a seat next to me and his mom in front off him.

They had made pancakes Jungkook placed one on his mom's plate and when he placed one on mine he leaned on to me which gave me shivers I have him veryday around me but his touch still gives me more and more butterflies...

I putt some whiped cream on my pancake and started eating it suddenly I heard Jungkook smilling softly "look at me you have something on your lips" he said so I turned around and he whiped it off with his finger and licked it of with his tongue my face became red so I let my hair fall in fornt of my face and started eating again. 

After food Jungkook's mom told us to do something so that I wasnt just sitting here all the time so me and Jungkook decided to go to an indoor ice park since it was already december it was open but first we dressed us warm so that we didnt catch a cold.

I just hope that my dad wont see me around... 

His mom dropped us off at the ice park and we went inside I was suprised by how big and beautfull it was there were slides, skating rinks, ski tracks, ice figures and a cafe.... I got even more excited when I saw the place so did Jungkook.

"So where do you wanna go first?" he asked "the slides" I sad happy he laughed at my cuteness and we went upwards to the top "do you wanna go alone or together of the slide?" I tought for a bit and tought it would be cool if we went together "together" I aswered a bit shyly he tought I didnt heard him but he said a big "yess" under his breath.

He picked a band for the two of us and he went to sit first so I could sit between his legs "do you sit good?" he asked with a small smirk plastered on his face but I couldnt deny that I sat superrr comfortable so I nodded and he pushed us forward and wrapped his arms around me which made me smile but red at the same time.

When we finally were down he asked if I wanted another time and I happily nodded we eventually did the slide a few times and went then over to the skating rink. I had never done it obviously .... Jungkook said he would help me so we went to to rink after we putt on our skates.

Jungkook entered and hold my both hands in his and let me step on it "you better dont let me fall" I said he laughed "I told you I would protect you didnt I?" I looked at him in the eyes and nodded he smilled and started going backwords for him but forwards for me. 

When he started to go a bit faster I almost fell but he firmed his grip on me so I didnt fall eventually he let his grip go and I could do it alone but he was still close to me. I wanted to go faster so I did but I losened my grip and fell untill I felt someone's arms wrapped around my stomach and kept me stand up I looked over my schoulder and saw Jungkook with a concerned look " be carefull" he said I nodded and he gave me a kiss on the cheeck.

After a while we went off and looked at the figures which were beautfull and then we went to the cafe which was a lot warmer. He sat in front of me and picked up my hands "woah your hand are ice cold" he sat and wrapped his hands more around mine and brought them to his mouth tho blew warmth in them and he gave a kiss on them he smilled at my face that was gone red again.

We drank our hot chocolates and went outside it started to get dark but it was still only 6pm we waited outside for his mom..

Jungkook pov

I forgot to text my mom inside so we would probably needed to wait a little outside luckily it wasnt raining but it was just a little cold. While we were a little bit staring outside I suddenly saw a man with a bottle of alcohol in his hand walking our way he didnt saw Y/n so didnt see Y/n her dad but he came really close.

I pulled my cap over my head and pushed her sofly against the wall and started kissing her with my hood a little over her head I stopped thinking about her dad and enjoyed her lips which were soft and she kissed me back so that was great. After 2 minutes I pulled away because off my breath she looked suprised "your dad was walking past us" I said "oh o-okay" she nodded and smilled and gave me a peck on my cheeck which made me blush "thank you" she said with a smile.

After a few minutes my mom arrived and we went home we ate and then I took a shower after me Y/n took one. She lay next to me in bed "wouldnt people think at our school weird if we came to school together and are suddenly close?" she asked I thought about it and looked at her "probably what do you wanna do?" I asked "maybe we can just pretend that we still dont like eachother and go individually to school" she said "okay but what if you dad sees you walking to school" "I dont know" she sighed "I will just walk on the other side of the road and keep an eye on you" she smilled at me "fine thankyou again" she do be melting my heart.

She wrapped her arms around me for the first time which caught me by suprise but I just smilled and wrapped my arms also around her "goodnight" she said " goodnight love you" I said wanting to remember her I love her more than anyone "I love you too and thank you for today" she answered "no problem" I aswered and noticed she was already drifitng off to sleep....


Thankyou for reading again!!!

I will probably post less more for the next week because off school so yeah sorry <3


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