Chapter 7

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Y/n pov

This time when we came home he was that hard to me that he broke my arm so I went to the hospital when he went out after a while to drink. 

When I came there they asked me where my parents were I sad that they weren't in town so couldn't get here well atleast half of it wasn't a lie. They just took care of my arm gave me papers and medication. Gladly it was the arm where not the bruises are...

I came home and no one was home so I went to my room and watched a K-drama ofcourse :)

(next day)

I went straight to my friends when I came in school since everyone was staring at me since I had a bandage around my arm which made me red since I dont like attention. My friends looked at worried at me when they saw me.

"Omg what happend" Sana asked well ofcourse I couldn't tell them the truth..."Just fell from my bike when I was getting some food" I lied. "You're so clumsy Lia added, I just fake laughed which was getting harder and harder....

In class I saw in my eye corner that Jungkook kept looking at my arm like why does that asshole need to look at me the whole time.

Jungkook pov

After I saw Y/n with her arm broken I tought back about the thing my mom said, altough I heard y/n saying she got it by falling with her bike there is something in me that says it isn't. What if she really gets abused, I didn't see her laughing much too anymore and her eyes are always watery and tired.

"Students there is a part two off the project you had with your last partner so you'll have to do that till the next lesson which is in two days so be fast but do it good" and with that he ended the last lesson of today. 

When I came home my mom was still at work so I ate something and went upstairs since Hyunjin was going to visit his grandmother he couldn't come with me. I wondered when I could do the projet with Y/n so I texted her.

ME:                                                                                                                                                                                                Hey Y/n when could we do the project?

Y/N:                                                                                                                                                                                               Hi euhm I dont know cant we just call via zoom that will go faster?

ME:                                                                                                                                                                                              Sure, I will call you now.

(on the call)

She picked up and the first thing I saw on her face was that her eyes were puffy and looked like she cried but I didn't ask more since I saw she was not really in the mood to talk much. 

After already being like 30 minutes busy with the project I suddently heard "YAHH UGLY F*CKING COME HERE" from a male voice I looked at her face she looked shocked and on the verge of crying . "Sorry I'll call you back" and with that she ended the call.

Now I was convinced that her dad abused her but where was her mother then or is she abusing her too I'm gonna ask my mom tonight when she comes home.

(at night)

"Hi mom" I greated and hugged her "hi sweetheart how was school" , "good but still boring" she laughed "noticed something new on Y/n" she asked since she got kinda worried about her. "Well.. her arm got broken, she said it was from falling with her bike but idk" she saw on my face there was something more so she just kept looking at me waiting for me to talk.

"And after school we needed to call because of a project and I heard a male voice which ig is her dad yelling at her and calling her ugly brat so..." she looked more worriedly than she already was. "Do you know her adress?" she asked suddenly . "No but I can track her phone number if you let me", " since this is an emergancy yes do itas fast as you can"..

So I did, I think we always hated eachother because of the tought we had from eachother the first day we met but I also think it was kinda just playing and fooling around...

I found her adress and gave it to my mom we went together to her house and saw the door unlocked. We went inside and saw glass everywhere we went treu the living room and saw more bottles of alcohol which made me shock but when we came in the kitchen I was even more shocked.

There was Y/n laying on the ground full with bruises and blood her eyes were slightly open. My mom went to her and I right after we picked her up and layed her on the couch.

"Y/n can you hear me" my mom asked she just nodded as respond. "Do you wanna go to the hospital?" Y/n immediantly said no and shook her head."Ok Y/n but I am gonna take you to our house you cant stay here" my mom said "ok" was the only thing she could say.

We laid her in the car and went home in the car my eyes got teary after thinking about everythinh that happened then suddenly I tought back about the time asked me to stop calling her ugly maybe it was because her dad calls her so too. Ughh I hate myself for calling her that now or for everything I did to her.

She fell asleep in the car I dragged her in our house and lay her in our couch in the living room to sleep.


Thankyou all for reading again ❤



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