Chapter 20

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Y/n pov

I came back to the hallway after we heard some loud voices I saw Jungkook grabbing someone by the collar oh it was the guy that let me fall Jungkook looked really mad I was shocked because I never saw him like this if I wasnt shy and didnt had this trouble with my dad I would stop him but I am to shy for that suddenly the principal came in and took him with her Jungkook saw me and his eyes soften like he was scared or something but I still couldnt believe he could be this agressive...

I just went to class after the break and didn't saw him so I just took my seat, I didnt saw him for the rest of the day I was not mad at him for fighting but kind of disapointed that he fought like that.

I just went home after school *yeyy* I said sarcasticly in myself I came home and saw no one so I went as fast as possible to my room.... I saw messages from Jungkook coming in.

JUNGKOOK: Hey Y/n...

JUNGKOOK: I swear I'm not an agressive person

JUNGKOOK: I hope you're not mad at me or something

JUNGKOOK: I will explain to you can you meet up?

My dad isn't home so I can actually its not like I dont get punished if I dont get out so..

ME: ok your house?

JUNGKOOK: yess thankyou ❤

That damn emoji, I hope I'm not scared of him now after I have seen the fight today but ok...

I rang the door and it immediantly opened he looked worried and soft "hey Y/n come in" he said and took a step aside to let me pass I nodded and walked in I took of my shoes and jacket he went to the couch so I followed him "where is your mom?" I asked "she has to work till night so.." I nodded.

"Look Y/n I'm not an agressive person it's just...." I saw that he was looking down at his fingers fidling with them "the boy that let you fall bullied me when my dad died and-" he sarted sobbing I went closer to him and took his hands in mine and he looked me in the eyes "he made jokes ab m-my dad a-and since then we always fought but I just get so angry by how he speaks ab my dad you know that it's an emotional subject and then when I saw he was it who dropped you I just got angry sorry" he sobbed.

I putt everything in my mind and I could understand him I mean I know how important his dad was for him I placed my hand on the back of his neck and placed his head in the croock of my neck and hugged him "it's ok I understand" I said in his ear he started sobbing more which was horibble to see "when you left he said some bad things and I freaked out I hope you dont think I'm as bad as your dad" he said.

I pulled back and looked in his eyes who were now red and puffy I never saw him in this state he was always the populair boy from the school but here he is crying his eyes out. I placed my hand on his cheecks and whiped his tears aways "if you wanna be like my dad you need to do much more" I said with a smile whih made his eyes soften "I dont think you're a bad person I just never saw you fighting but now I understand just dont try to attack him it's gonna be more bad for you in the end" .

He nodded "I know it's just hard" he said, I pulled his face closer to me and kissed his lips softly they were now plump soft and wet from his tears he kissed me back it was a kiss that felt like something I missed. We pulled away and smilled "how is it home with your dad....?" 

My smile faded away and I frozed "I saw how your body was weak so I think I know what that means" I just nodded and he pulled me in for a hug "are you hungry?" he asked "yes" I anwered I can cook us some ramen and I smilled of the tought because it was so long ago that I ate them I nodded fast which made him laugh "woah someone looks exited for ramen" he said "yeah it's been a long time" I smilled and looked him in the eyes he made that bunny smile and kissed me, his lips were so addictive...

Jungkook pov

I was happy she isn't mad at me for the fight today because I love spending time with her, now I was making ramen while she was watching some tv since she told me her favorite K-drama was on Tv...

It was done so I placed it in some plates and went to the couch since she was watching her serie "here is your ramen babe" I said and placed it in her hands with chopsticks I knew the nicknames made her feel good and shy but I loved calling her that she smilled, ughh that smile I cant she looks so pretty when she smiles... "thanks babe" she suddenly said and I shook and looked at her but she was still looking at the screen smilling.

We started eating our ramen when we were watching the drama it was actually a good drama I enjoyed it too and she noticed that I saw her somethimes taking glanses at me and smiling away because I was so concentrated on the drama.

When it was over she suddenly spoke up "sh*t sh*t I need to go home" while she stood up I did too "do I need to walk you?" I asked and she nodded since it was almost new year it was already pretty dark so I gotta protect her... We putt on our shoes and jacket and started walking her smile faded away when we saw her house I feel terrible needing to just drop her.

"I'll head in now see ya tomorrow" she said I nodded "yes Iloveyou" I said quickly "too" she yelled already walking to her door when she headed in I walked back home....


Thankyou for reading again!!!



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