Chapter 10

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Y/n pov

"You're worth it" 

I couldnt help but smile at those words, my eyes were red by the intense moment we just had his lips were so soft that I didnt want the moment to stop. We were interupted by the voice of Jungkook's mom calling us to eat.

I got embarassed and waited for him to stand up and go downstairs "dont be embarassed" he said while giving me a comforting smile he waited for me to come with him. I smilled back at him and we went downstairs and took a seat.

She cooked one of my favorite meals (just imagine it would be your favorite meal) so I ate a lot without noticing. "You must like it" Jungkook laughed a little but with his cute bunny smile that was irresistible "yeah it's actually one of my favorites thankyou" I said the last thing while looking at his mom.

"Well I'm happy you liked it" she smilled, this time I helped with cleaning its not like I didn't know how to clean up things... 

After we cleaned up things me and Jungkook sat down in the couch since his mom had dinner with some friends of her. I decided to answer my friends messages.

SANA: Yahh y/n where are you? Are you ok???

LIA: Y/n tell me where you are !!! 

It went on and on with textes like this

"What are you doing" Jungkook asked "uhm answering my friends texts from the past days" I said still looking at my phone. "Oh what are you gonna say?" , "Idk should I tell them I am just sick?" he nodded.

ME: Heyy guys I just didn't feel well so I'm gonna stay home for the rest of the week dont worry <3

I answered and put my phone away.

"Do your friends know about you dad" he suddenly asked "no" I looked at him and noticed the worried look he had in his eyes. "Why?" actually there wasn't a good reason but ig you dont understand if you aren't in the person's place.

"I think I was scared that my dad would find out someone knew" I said with an unsure tone, "I think your very strong you went to school every day and after that it was like hell" my heart melted at his words I looked back at him.

"Do you wanna watch a movie" asked I nodded, we picked one and putt it on. He lay at the other side of the couch. He must of noticed my shivers since I had it cold "do you have it cold?" he asked looking at me I nodded, he pulled up the blanket and tapped the spot right next to him. I looked shocked and became red by the tought of laying next to him.

"Come here I wont bite" he laughed I crawled under the blanket next to him while he pulled to blanket more over me I smilled to myself. Suddenly he putt his arm around my waist and pulled my closer, red reached my face as I became stiff. He putt his face in the croock of my neck and hummed. 

Jungkook pov

I breath in the scent of her while I hugged her tighter, I couldn't get enough of her she was so soft and smelled so good I dont know if it was parfume shampoo or her natural scent but it smelled so f*cking good.

"Jungkook" my eyes opened slowly at the sound of my name "the movie has end" I probably had slept a long time since it was already done "how late is it" I asked . "8pm" since it was still so early I tought we maybe could do something fun.

"Wanna play games in my room?" I asked I dont know if she liked gaming but I could try. "I want to but I never played before" I knew exactly why so I didnt ask any further and stood up with her and went upstairs. 

I have a tv with a PS4 in front of my bed so we could play there...

We sat down at the edge of my bed while I started my Tv up "which game you wanna play?" I gave her a few options she didnt really knew what was what so I just picked a care race game. "We will play Need For Speed it's fun" I said she nodded and smilled. I gave my controller to her but she didnt really knew what to do so she just sat there.

"Wait I'll help you" she nodded I putt my one arm around her to grab the other edge of the controller she froze by the sudden touch which was cute since she was so shy. I started talking to make her comfortable I explained everything of the controller to her while she nodded the whole time.

"Think you got it?" I asked "yes" she said and nodded as aswer. We played against eachother she lost the first few times but she still had fun,  I laughed at her cuteness. I zoned out at her face..

"YESSSSS!!" she suddenly screamed which made me look at the screen she won after what felt like 10000 times. She was so happy that she jumped on the bed and started doing little jumps which I think were cute I laughed and stood up on the bed too and jumped too. She almost fell from the edge but I putt my arm around her waist and let her fall on me on the bed.

She opened her eyes and looked at me from under her lashes suddenly my mom walked in"What's all that noi-" she looked shocked when she saw us laying on eachother but laughed and walked back out..

I looked back at Y/n and saw her face red again "your cute when you're shy" I smilled she hided her face down on my stomach which I found cute...



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