Chapter 32

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Y/n pov

When it was lunch break I find my courage to go to Lia and Sana. I saw them standing together laughing about something but as soon as they noticed me their smiles were gone, I was scared and hurt inside but I trew that away for awhile and decided to walk to them. I told Jungkook it's fine and that he don't need to worry about me so he was now sitting with his sport friends I don't really know who they are not that I want to.

"Hey can we talk?" I asked with an unual voice, their eyes were drilling into me "fine but what lame excuse are you now gonna say?" Sana answered which made a sting form in my chest "let me just explain ok?" my nerves were killing me "just tell us already jeez" Lia sighed, why were they so rude for something like this?.

"You know the reason I can't really much spend time with you is because my dad is kinda strict and want me to stay home mostly, I know it's frustrating but please understand" I skipped the part that I got abused physically nad emotionally I just don't want them to worry about me or have mercy. Luckily the look in their eyes softened "ok we get it we were just upset, we tought you hated us" Sana said which made me scof "me? hating you please" I laughed a bit.

"So we're good now?" Lia asked and we all nodded at the same time, after our conversation we went to the cafetaria and picked up our food. We sat at our table and I kinda was looking for Jungkook but I didn't saw him, Until I got a message....

JUNGKOOK: Looking for me baby? 

I looked up from my phone and looked again but saw no one..

JUNGKOOK: To your left babygirl.

The nickname made me clench my thighs, I looked to my left and there he was the hottest boy smirking at me while giving me a wink. I winked at him back which made him laugh. The funny thing is I always see him sitting with the boys from his sport team but he isn't really that close to them, the only close friend I really know from him is Hyunjin.

JUNGKOOK: you're sexy when you wink.

ME: Just don't.

JUNGKOOK: You know I don't stop, but is it fixed with your friends?

ME: Yeah, thankyou again <3

JUNGKOOK: No problem <3

I looked at him for a last time and he gave me his cute bunny smile which made me smile.

"You and Jungkook are gonna keep being enemies forever" Lia scoffed, my inner self was laughing at her but I needed to act "indeed that asshole" I answered with a rude look "ugh and he even smiles at you to make it look like you guys are friends is that his way to iritate you" Sana said "he's just annoying that's it" I replied.

We changed to subject and talked the whole time until the sign went for us to go to class...

After school I waited for Sana and Lia to be gone so that I could go with Jungkook unnoticed, I saw him coming to me with a smile "how is one of my favorite woman on this planet?" he asked happily "One of?" I asked with a confused look on my face, he started laughing "my mom, don't be so jeaulous please she's just my mom" he acted sadly. I gave him an elbow in his stomach but obviously not hard since I didn't had that strength "if it's just your mom I'm fine" I answered which made him laugh.

"Since the're they're not much people anymore lets go together to my house?" he asked and I nodded as respond. While we were walking I felt a hand touch mine I didn't know what to do so I just let him do what he want, suddenly he place mine in his and we were holding hands. I can't hide the smile I had on my face, I looked at him and he looked back I gave him a smile of love which get returned. 

We got home and put our shoes off I wanted to go upstairs but got stopped by a hand around my wrist I was confused and looked at him "wha-" I got cut of by a kiss on my lips where I got melted in, he pulled away after awhile "you forgot something now we can go upstairs" he said with a smile, I smilled back and we went upstairs and did our homework.

While we were doing our homework I got a call from an unknow number "who is it?" Jungkook asked "It's unknow I don't know should I pick up?" he nodded as reply. I answered the phone call and I immediantly heard a voice I didn't want to hear "THERE YOU ARE LITTLE BRAT!" yup my dad yeyy. I flinched by his loud voice "YOU BETTER COME HOME OR I'LL FIND YOU" he yelled. "I-i'm not coming h-home" I stutterd. By those words I saw Jungkook looking at me with concern.

he gave me a sign to give him to phone so I did.

Jungkook pov

I knew how scared Y/n was from her dad and I didn't want her to be scared so I asked for the phone. "YES YOU ARE YOU LITTLE USELESS RAT!" how can you even dare to say that to your own daughter. I saw Y/n her eyes were getting heavy so I had to. "She is not coming until you are gonna realise she is worth it and she is your daughter who you need to take care of and she is the most beautiful girl I've ever met so don't dare to call her ugly" I said with a stern voice while looking at Y/n in her eyes, I saw how my words gave her a spark and I ment every single thing of it.

"WHO ARE YOU? HER BOYFRIEND? PLS DONT MAKE ME LAUGH" he laughed "yes I am actually and Iam proud of it JUST FUCKING EXEPT YOU OWN DAUGHTER AND SEE HOW GODDAMN BEAUTIFUL SHE IS GOD" I suddenly yelled at him which was not what I wanted to do but as I said earlier I can't help it when someone hurt the ones I love. I saw Y/n fliching by my yell but I also saw the thankfull look in her eyes 'sorry' I mouthed and she smilled 'it's ok'.

I didn't heared a word anymore so I hung up and gave her phone back "I'm sorry for yelling I just ca-" I was stopped this time by a kiss I felt her smiling in the kiss. She pulled away after awhile "don't be sorry I'm thankfull but I wanna ask you something" She said I nodded "shoot" I replied. I saw how she didn't want to make any eye contact "did y-you mean everything you told my d-dad?" she asked. I smilled by her words I placed my hands on her cheeks and looked at her in the eyes and she looked back "ofcourse I love you" I said and kissed her lips.

She smilled and pulled away "are we gonna watch a movie?" she asked and I nodded "sure whatever you want my lady".


Thankyou for reading again!



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