Chapter 34

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Y/n pov

The fact that his mom saw us kissing and touching eachother made me be quiet and red I was just so embarrassed. I was now sitting with Jungkook on the edge of his bed "do you wanna play games, watch something or anything else you can chose" He asked while putting his phone in the charger, I was to embarressed with what happened and my mind was repeating everything that I didn't hear it. 

When he noticed I didn't answer he looked at me and saw my red face and avoiding eye contact this made him come to my way and he sat down next to me "hey don't be embarrassed she doesn't mind" he said while rubbing his hand over my back, I looked at him and he smiled when he saw my face "I k-know it's just I- i don't know how to react actually" I said with a shy smile.

"I understand but know that she loves you too and when she says such things it means that she likes you or the fact we have fun together after a while" when he said that he stopped rubbing my back and placed his both hands on his lap and started playing with them. What he said made me concerned  "what do you mean with the last thing?" I asked softly while placing my hands on his.

He looked up from his lap and looked in my eyes I could see a sort of pain in his eyes, he sighed and looked down again at our hands he started to play with my hands now "when my dad died I didn't know how to live anymore because he was always by my side and ofcourse I had my mom and I loved her then too but you know that dad releationship that just fell away made me doubt if I could live like this-" I could feel the pain and tears he was holding back in his voice but I didn't say anything and let him talk.

"I didn't eat anything that time only drank some water and I didn't went out of my room it went like this for weeks I couldn't smile anymore I felt empty you know and one day when my mom asked me to come downstairs I was so weak that I fell on the floor in the living room, I fell on my head so I needed to go to the hospital- it was nothing to bad so don't worry but when I woke up the first thing I saw was my mom crying and that's the moment I realised she needed me and didn't want to lose me too. I tried hard to get better I started working out and took good care for my mom I went to school again started talking and hanging out with Hyunjin more and more the reason we are so close is because he is the only one who really knows who I am exept you and then when I started hanging out with you-" 

His sentence stopped and he looked in my eyes he was smiling and crying not that hard but it made me tear up as well knowing what he has been trough "I started smiling again, I want you to know that you made me smile and loving again" when he said this I let the tears go out of my eyes "I would say likewise" he smiled at my tears and placed his hands on my cheeks and rubbed with his tumbs my tears away. "But did Hyunjin then not make you smile?" I teased and he smiled "he did but with you it's different I am really lucky I met Hyunjin and you".

"JUNGKOOK! Y/N! FOOD IS READYYYY" his mom happily yelled trough the house I smilled at Jungkook and stood up "lets go" I said and he smilled but took my hand in his and pulled me on his lap "you forgot something again" he said and then I realised I smilled and placed my hands on his neck I pulled him closer and kissed his lips we both melted in the kiss and he placed his hands on my thighs while rubbing them. 

I pulled away and we both looked in eachothers eyes with lust but we both know we couldn't "lets finish this later?" he said and I nodded, we stood up and went downstairs ....

Jungkook pov

I was so frustrated cuz she really made me needy and I could feel it was the same for her but we both knew that for sure we were gonna finish it tonight. We came downstairs and were greeted by an amazing smell "woah" I heard Y/n gasped I wondered what my mom would have cooked to make both of us this suprised.

We went to the dinner table "hey lovebirds" my mom greeted us I smilled at that shyly "yeah yeah but what have you cooked to smell this good?" I asked and she pointed at a cooking pot "look yourself honey" she smilled and me and Y/n went immediantly together to the pot I opened it and there was Kimchi inside it was one of my favorite dishes of all time I looked at Y/n and she was looking at it like she could just eat it all in once which made me smile.

"Oh my god mom you're the best" I said still looking at the Kimchi "yeah you are" Y/n added I looked at her with wide eyes but she didn't noticed because she was to hard smelling and looking at the dish. I looked at my mom and saw her smilling "well thank you but I know I am" she scoffed in a teasing way which made me and Y/n both laugh.

We all set up the dinner table and took a seat my mom and Y/n were sitting next to eachother while I was sitting right in front of Y/n at the table. My mom served us Kimchi and herself "enjoy your meal" we all said to eachother and started eating.

"WOAHHHH" I said while still eating my first bite "I guess you like it" my mom said "you guess? hell yeah" I said and started to eat back. "Y/n do you like it?" my mom suddenly asked and I looked over at Y/n she was clearly enjoying it as much as I do "yeah it's good mostly if I don't speak while eating it means I like it very much thankyou" she answered which made me smile.

"Couldn't say that for everyone" my mom said while looking at me with a teasy look and I scoffed, Y/n and my mom started laughing of that. 

I was done eating fast I was the first one so I waited while Y/n and my mom were still eating, my eyes fell on Y/n who was concentrated on her food my smile grew automaticly when I see her I followed every movement she made and smilled. After awhile I felt someone staring at me so I looked at my mom she was smilling at me but also smirking 'you're so in love' she mouthed before taking a sip from her drink I got red from her words but shrugged my shoulders and smilled.

After eating and cleaning up the dishes we talked for a bit "we're gonna head upstairs" I said and we both said goodnight to my mom I gave her a kiss and went upstairs with Y/n...


Thankyou for reading <3

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