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Eunbi's POV:

"All of you know that we're not here to stay in our rooms the whole time. So I prepared something for you." The teacher said.

Everyone listened to him with different expressions. "We're gonna do a Sea tour ! Swimming, surfing and more! See you in two hours here again! We'll go to the sea together." The sea..?

Jake's POV:

My friends and I were very excited since we loved swimming.

I noticed Eunbi spacing out. Everyone was happy except for Eunbi. Maybe she was insecure about something. Well, I hope she's alright.


I prepared my swimming suit and some other things, like a towel.

I looked over to Eunbi. And again she was spacing out while fiddling her fingers. She was also shaking lightly. "What's the matter?" I asked but received no answer. "Yah I'm talking to you!" I raised my voice annoyed. She noticed, that I was talking to her. "Oh, what did you say?" "Ugh, just get ready for the Sea tour. We're going in 10 minutes." "Mhm."


Time to swim, wohoo!

"Students! You can get ready to swim or do whatever you want in the water, but please be careful! And I'm sorry to say that, but I just found out, that we're not allowed to swim or surf in the sea. You guys have to swim in this big pool over there. It will be fun too. If I raise my hand, then you guys should come out of the water. We're going to get some ice cream then. I'll pay for it. Let's go!", Mr. Cha said.

Everyone started swimming and had fun in the pool. Only Eunbi who was standing there, seemed nervous. She hesistated to swim or touch the water.

"Hey Eunbi, are you okay?", Sunoo came out of the water and asked her. He seemed worried. "Yeah, yeah I am.", she showed him a weak smile. "Then swim with us!", Sunoo said." "..Oh, the water is too cold." I think it was an excuse, i don't know why tho. "If you get in after some minutes it won't be cold anymore." Eunbi thought about it for some seconds, but then came in too.

She started swimming but stopped straight away, since she was scared. She got out of the water again. Hm, is she scared of the water? It won't do her anything, haha.

5 minutes later, 3 girls were talking to each other whispering. I think they were talking about Eunbi since they kept looking at her. Then they started laughing.

I was sitting there outside of the water to take a break. Eunbi was alone, because Sunoo went in. He was probably going to the toilet.

Suddenly the girls went towards Eunbi and pushed her into the water. They laughed at her. Some of our classmates noticed it, but didn't react to it. I saw, that Eunbi was struggling to swim. She waved her arms in the air. She drowned.

I didn't hesistate to jump into the water and rescue her. I brought her out of the water and placed her at the floor. She just laid there. "Hey Eunbi?! EUNBI! DO YOU HEAR ME? Talk to me." I said. I was worried, I had an unknown feeling. "No..please, mum, dad...don't leave me. No.." she whispered. A tear escaped her eye.

Eunbi's POV:

The scene kept repeating on my mind, how my parents drowned and died. I didn't want to see it.

I coughed.

I slowly opened my eyes.

Jake was looking at me worried. His face changed into a relieved one.

"Are you okay?", he asked. I nodded and tried to get up. He helped me.

Why is he helping me? Did he save me? I looked confused.

"Yes, I rescued you.", out of nowhere Jake said like he could read my thoughts.


After a long day, we were in our rooms again. It was 8 p.m.

By the way, why did Jake even care about me? Wasn't he the one,who bullied me in school? And wh-

He tore me out of my thoughts, when he started to speak.

"Do you want to talk about it?"



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