inkmare - drawing

912 11 6

(Ink x Nightmare)

Written: Oct. 30, 2021

Revised: Oct. 30, 2023


Nightmare sat at his desk; the dim evening light barely illuminating the room. The stone walls reflected the singular candle's light, the flames dancing quicker than his soul beat.

The king set down the report he had been reading, leaned back in his chair, and turned his attention to out the castle window. The kingdom was beautiful at twilight, the time before the darkness of night, yet after the brightness of the day. He rather enjoyed the colors that painted the sky at this time, the reds, yellows, purples, and blues all melding together.

Nightmare let out a sigh, glancing over the room. His singular eye roamed the empty study, though eventually landed on the mug sitting atop his neat desk. Something white poked out of the black liquid. It was a singular finger coming into view. His eyes widened, taking a hold of the cup and quickly dumping its contents onto the stone floor.

To his interest, a figure climbed out of the drink's puddle. The white skull and brown scarf were immediately recognized. "Ink?"

"Hey Nightmare! Just wanted to drop in and- HEY!!"

Nightmare's tentacles quickly wrapped around Ink's thin form, suspending him from the ground as he quickly got up from his chair. Ink looked surprised at the action, quickly holding onto the tendrils around him, scared of being let go. Another, smaller one, slid across his mouth, preventing him from speaking.

Nightmare stepped toward the artist, his expression unreadable. "Do you not recall what I told you about entering my study like that?" he said smoothly, leaning closer.

Ink shook his head. Nightmare frowned. "I told you to be quiet." His voice sounded more like a low hiss than anything. Ink nodded quickly, finally being let go and set onto the ground gently. The king's tentacles retracted from view, his gaze never leaving Ink's figure.

"What do you want?" he asked tiredly, finally sitting back in his chair. Ink's solemn demeanor faded quickly, replaced by a childish smile as he hopped onto Nightmare's desk.

"I needed a reference for something," he said simply, pulling out a small sketchbook and pencil. Nightmare gave him a skeptical look, meeting his eyes as he himself raised a brow. "I uh...kinda wanted to draw you," Ink elaborated.

"Why on Earth would you want to draw me?"

"I'm going on a drawing spree and you're the second one on my list!"


Ink laughed, covering his mouth with his gloved hand as he struggled to keep eye contact. "J-just because!"

"That's not a sufficient reason," Nightmare huffed, crossing his arms as he leaned back in his chair once again.

"Ok fine...It's more for anatomy practice than just for fun."


Nightmare picked up another paper, seeming to skim it as Ink sat there, pencil and paper ready to draw. "...So can I draw you?"

The king sighed, waving his hand dismissively. "I can't stop you."

Ink's face lit up. "Thanks pal! Now just – don't move for a bit, ok?"

Nightmare hummed in reply, knowing now he'd have to read the report in front of him thoroughly.


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