errink - nightmare

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(Error x Ink) eugh

Written and edited: 5/22/2021

Edited again: 8/1/2021

What would the affect be if Error remembered the events of Aftertale? Here's a scene I thought up cause why not.

(Kinda old writing but I found it and thought I could yeet it here cause why not. Haven't updated in a bit. Also angst warning at the beginning)


He stood there, rooted to the ground as he stared blankly at the screen. Alphys stood beside him, silent tears streaming down her face. He couldn't believe it. The human killed Undyne.


"L-looks like it's not turning back...'s a-another genocide run..." she whispered. He did not respond.

"I'll be back." He turned from the monitor with an expression that could only be described as one thirsty for revenge, stomping from the lab and to the elevator. Alphys watched him, slight concern in her eyes as he left the main lab.

"I'm going to stop this once and for all," he hissed, images of all the horror the human had committed racing through his skull as he walked down the corridor. "I can't allow them to continue this killing. It has to stop. These timelines must stop. I-I can't watch everyone I love die anymore...!"

He practically sprinted down the corridors until he came to the room with the huge machine. Sorry Gaster, I know you told me not to do this... But I can't sit here feeling useless any longer. I refuse to sit by until it's too late again.

He rifled through the drawers of the desk and pulled out a needle, half empty with red liquid. He rolled up his coat sleeves, took a shaky breath, and pulled out his soul. Fragile, white, faintly glowing, it floated in his hand, upside down. He steadied the needle and carefully slid it into his soul. He winced in pain, but thrust the trigger down, shooting the Determination into his very being. He screwed his eyes shut as the indescribable feeling pulled at him, poking at his very core.

Th-this better work.


The human and the hero stood opposite each other in the Last Corridor, or as it's widely known as, the Judgment Hall. The hero panted, clutching his chest, and straining to suck in air as blood trickled down his mouth and through his shirt.

The human smirked. It had finally been able to hit him, after 536 tries, it had finally defeated him. The hero looked up, pure hatred turning to remorse as his features softened.

"Well...looks like it's the end of the line for me, kid..." he said hoarsely, wincing at the pain in his chest as he spoke. He took a step forward, then another, and then another. He kept limping until he was past the human. He smiled as he looked back, his vision hazy now.

He knew he couldn't do it anymore.

He had given up.

"I'm goin' to Grillby's...Pap, you want anything? Or...maybe not..." The human had scoffed and moved onto the next room, leaving Sans to lean against a column alone.

"...because, I remember you don't really like greasy food," he continued hoarsely, coughing up more of the metallic blood. "But hey, maybe you changed your mind. Maybe, I'll get to know when I... see you... again."

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