insomnia - hold

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(Error x F!Dream)

(this is that one insomia thing i mentioned)

Written: Feb. 27, 2022

Warnings!! -- SHORT, BAD WRITING


Once Error's voice had gone quiet, Dream let out a shaky sigh. It sounded as if she'd been holding it in for his entire rant – which she probably had. He hadn't been long with his complaining like he usually was; although, the content was much more worrisome than it usually was. He usually just ranted about routine problems (Ink – even if he'd never met him; new universes taking up space; stupid and embarrassing new AUs or 'Sans AUs' (of him usually); and even small things like not being left alone long enough).

But he never talked about what was going on in his head – not even to Dream, who was his only trusted friend right now.

Dream looked up at Error to see his head had turned away from her. He stared at the wall to their right, his arms crossed tightly over his middle. Dream turned her attention to his hand, merely inches from her own. Sitting side by side in this silence had her remembering the first time she'd asked to hold his hand. Perhaps a second try would be more successful?

"C-can you give me your hand?" she asked quickly.

Error let out a sudden burst of hoarse laughter, his left hand coming up to cover his face in embarrassment. "Wh-HaT?"

"I said give me your hand!" she repeated, her own face turning gold. Maybe this was a stupid idea, maybe it would've been better for her to just not say anything.


"Can you just do it? Please?" she pleaded. After a few seconds, Error seemed to roll his eyes before holding out his right hand. Dream gently took his hand in hers and tried to figure out the right position – interlock or just hold...?

Seeing as his fingers were longer than hers, and his hand generally bigger, she opted for simply holding it in both of hers. Once comfortable, she began to run her thumb over his knuckles, resting her head on his shoulder.

Error didn't turn his head or glance at her at all, but rather laid his head on hers and exhaled slowly. He seemed to be significantly calmer than before, and he wasn't the only one feeling like they could take a nap just like that.

"...Is... is that supposed to feel good?" he asked slowly.

"Well, i-it's supposed to be calming," Dream replied, her voice quiet and flustered, "that's what I was hoping, but if you, well-"

"No, it's fine. You're fine..."

Dream went quiet. Error didn't say anything else. The room was silent once more, the dim light from the moon filtering into the dark bedroom. Dream glanced out the open window to their right and smiled. This felt so unexplainably right, even the stars seemed brighter.

But perhaps that was her head overacting to things again. He was her friend, and would always be her friend if they both continued to put effort into it.


based on a real event. yes, Dream was me.


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