insomnia - burden

408 10 11

(EV!Error x EV!Dream)

Written: Dec. 15, 2021


(art above is literally the only thing that came up when I searched for Empireverse Insomnia smh)


Error tapped his index finger on his glass, his mismatching eyes following the crowds of people as they moved around the ballroom. The ladies twirled with their partners, their gowns fanning out and covering the floor with their beautiful colors of golds and whites, of purples and blues, and of greens and reds. Each dancing pair positively shone with happiness as the crystalline chandeliers overhead offered their light upon them, their smiles bright and their cheeks brighter as they smiled at their partner.

Error found himself tapping the glass faster, the clinking sound causing several people to glance or stare in his direction. He stopped when he noticed their judging gazes, then he took a sip and set it on a nearby table. He sat down and propped his head on his hand as his elbow rested against the white clothed table, his gaze returning to the room in front of him.

The music began to slow, several of the previous dancers fluttering from the stage, the ladies accompanied by their partners back into the throng of people. Except... for one.

Error watched curiously as one lady in particular, one wearing a golden dress, left the stage alone. Her hands were wiping at her face, though he couldn't tell if she was crying, or if she simply had something on her face. Before he could identify the person, she had disappeared into the crowd, heading out the doorway and leaving the massive ballroom.

Part of him wanted to see if she was alright, wanted to see if she was indeed crying. That was the protective and caring side of himself that was reserved for only a handful of close friends. Though another side of him didn't care. That side dismissed the name he thought he associated with the woman in the golden dress, saying it was someone else.

"Hey, Error, are you ok?"

He snapped from his thoughts so quickly he knocked his glass onto the marble floor. Error's eyes flicked from one person to the other, eventually focusing in on the people in front of him.

Nightmare, king of the Kingdom of the Moon, and Blue, captain of the Royal Guard for the Kingdom of the Sun, stood in front of him. Nightmare looked mildly interested, while Blue immediately went to helping in cleaning up the mess the wine had made.

"O-Oh goodness, Error I'm so sorry I-I didn't mean to startle you," Blue stammered, taking up various napkins in her hand and wiping at the floor.

Error shook his head getting up from his seat, and somehow knocking that over too. He swore under his breath and brought it back to standing, his attention darting from the mess he just stepped in and his king looking down at him in mild disdain. "Sorry, captain, th-that was my fault," Error said, taking up a napkin and wiping the last of the wine from the floor.

Blue stood up again, throwing away the napkins and straightening her blue and white gown. She patted Error on the shoulder and gave him a sort of sympathetic smile. "No need to apologize, Error. It's alright. We all slip up sometimes, and tonight..." she gestured with her gloved hand to the lavishly decorated room around them, "tonight is the perfect excuse to be nervous."

Error raised a brow after gently moving Blue's hand from his shoulder (he still wasn't a fan of non-consensual physical contact outside of, say, battle). "What do you mean by perfect excuse...?" he inquired.

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