insomnia - sleep

605 15 3

(Error x Dream)

Written: Dec. 4, 2021


Nights with Error were...long. His sleep schedule was all over the place, and he didn't bother to fix it most of the time.

Nights with Dream were...calm. After being on the run for years, sleep now almost always hit her like a brick.


Except for tonight.

Dream had been faced with a long and stressful week of work, being called over by many to help. Others need comfort. Still others just wanted to talk to her (such as Ink or Blue).

And despite the stress and tiredness she felt, the guardian couldn't fall asleep. She turned in the bed, her diming eye lights focusing on the wooden door in front of the bed, the light from downstairs barely visible in the otherwise darkness.

Dream let out a sigh and slipped out of her covers, her eyes widening to try and see through the dark. She tried to suppress the urge to run or panic – the dark wasn't her favorite thing.

Her feet treaded noiselessly down the dimly lit hallway, her hand gliding across the wooden railing that led down the stairs. As she walked down, she saw who she was looking for sitting on the couch. Error's back was to her, his thin figure hunched over something in his hands.

Dream heard him snicker.

The guardian walked closer, careful not to make a sound as she stood right behind him. A smile spread across her face, her hands hovering near his sides. She bit her lower lip and forced her fingertips forward, tickling his sides with all her might.

Error let out a high-pitched squeak, which only made Dream burst into laughter, and then began to laugh. His words were a mix between swearing and glitches as he threw whatever was in his hand onto the floor and turned around, his hands desperately trying to find his attacker's.


She laughed and eventually stopped, flicking his forehead playfully before he scrambled to the opposite end of the couch. Dream's giggles and Error's panting filled the dimly lit room, though the other didn't let it stay that way.

Error's face was a bright blue, his arms crossed protectively over his stomach area as he glared at his partner. "What the Hell was that for?!" he demanded, fighting a smile as she continued to giggle.

"J-just wanted to- pff – make ya laugh-!" Dream managed, her own hand going to her side. "You're face w-was priceless!"

"...Yeah, really funny, Dream. Good job, I'll give you a medal for being a sneaky little-"

"Before you finish that sentence, Ruru," she interrupted, a grin on her face, "might wanna think about how much change is in your pocket."

Error fell silent.

"Sneaky little... child..."

"You know I'm older than you, right?"

"Then start acting like it," Error retorted, a smirk forming upon his dark face. Dream only laughed and waved it off.

They sat there in the dim living room, Dream's eyes scanning the bookshelves, while Error's eyes scanned the small woman in front of him. Well, skeleton. Skeleton woman? How should he know. Small person. Small being. Small...


She had stolen his hoodie again-! That child- had touched his stuff again! And it was much too big for her, the sleeves falling over her hands and the zipper somewhere under her on the couch. Why did she like it so much?


"...So do you have an excuse for not coming to bed, Ru?" Dream asked, giving her lover a patient look.

Error's gaze lowered, his hand subconsciously finding its way to the back of his neck. ",'s the uh...the uh, the group chat..." he mumbled.



"Error we've talked about this-"

"Yeah I know."


"Then just give them a rest and come to bed..." Dream's voice faded as she shifted closer to him, her hands resting on his shoulders, her forehead touching his as she closed her eyes. "Rest is important, and you of all people should really try to get it when you can. The Multiverse waits for no one, it won't always be as peaceful as it is now, so sleep while you can. Sleep, rest, and recover when you are given the chance, ok?"

Error nodded stiffly. Dream smiled softly and cupped his face in her hands, her thumbs tracing circles on his cheeks, though being careful of the blue scars that ran down them. Error's arms had loosely wrapped themselves around her small waist, pressing his forehead against hers as he hummed softly; a hum of content as he smiled subtly.

Dream pulled her head back and placed a kiss on his forehead, making eye contact as she leaned back. When she noticed him smiling her head tipped to the side, his arms now sliding up her hoodie. Well, his oversized hoodie, if we're being specific.

"...Can we just...sleep here?" he asked softly, his expression almost sheepish as his eyes slid to the side. Dream let out a soft laugh, sliding her arms around his neck and burying her face in his shoulder in one swift motion.

The action caused Error to lose his balance, quickly falling back onto the couch with Dream on top of him. He let out a sort of "oomf!" sound as his head hit the armrest, to which Dream only snickered.

"You wanted to sleep here~"

"I didn't ask for you to tackled me onto it though-"

Dream didn't respond, though did pull the blanket from on top of the couch over herself and him. She slid off his front and curled into his side, her arms now wrapped around his torso. Error smiled at the gesture, adjusting the blanket and resting his hand on top of hers. Dream's brow furrowed and she shook her hand out of his, then quickly grabbing it again and intertwined their fingers together.

Both of their faces flushed brightly in the low light as they cuddled, not caring that their feet stuck out at the end, or that the lights in the kitchen were still on. They simply lay there together, close as can be, whispers of a conversation the only sound to be heard.

And they loved it like that.

And they thought no one could change it.


Eugh what was that?

I really need to give them more justice...But I tried. Hope someone can like it. Thanks for reading ^^

Requests are open still, so if you'd like to see me write a pair you like (rarepairs too), I'd be happy to write them!

Have a good day, and stay warm! (or cool if it's not winter where you are, idk).

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