kross - coffee

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(Killer x F!Cross)

Requested by @/ Killer_sans_qwq

Written: Jan. 17-18, 2022

Warnings!! – MILD LANGUAGE, KISSING (lol)

Despite his name, Killer wasn't out for blood tonight. He was out for a coffee and some food. The lamplight was drawn to his black beanie, sucked in and never to return as the skeleton turned a corner. Killer found himself standing in front of a small corner café. He took a stride closer, peeked inside, and saw it was empty. He cocked his head to the side and read the sign to his right: "Open."

Killer smirked and pushed open the door, the small jingle not bothering him as he strode to the unoccupied counter. He leaned against it, peering at the small menu a few feet to his left.

"Oh, hello there," came a voice. Killer's void-like sockets shifted quickly from the menu to the small person standing in the doorway to the back room – probably where they kept the food and such. He observed the person in front of him, noting the brown waist apron, the faded turtle-neck sweater, and the shinning white pinpricks. "What can I get you?" the other skeleton asked.

Killer hesitated. "What's yer name?" he asked, his gaze still fixed on the small person approaching him.

"Oh, sorry, my name's Ccino," he said, "I'm the owner here!"

"'S it jus' you?" Killer inquired, leaning discreetly to the side to try and spot someone in the back. As if on cue, there came a loud thud and it sounded like someone squeaked. Sounded like a cute mouse, Killer thought.

"Uh, no," Ccino answered, his gaze turning nervously to the back room, "that'd be my new employee in the back, actually." He sighed and turned back to Killer, offering a worried smile. "Um, I'll go fix whatever she managed to drop in the back, I'll send her up to take your order; is that alright?"

"Sure, yeah," Killer responded, his gaze still following Ccino as he left the room. He heard hushed whispers coming from the back, and then a female voice began swearing at how the boxes did it all on their own, and that it wasn't her fault they fell all over the place spilling out the fruit. Killer sniggered. Though just as he did, there came a new person from the back.

She too was a skeleton, about a foot shorter than Killer, no taller than five feet as she stood stiffly in front of the counter. She had a monochrome hoodie over her white button down, the same brown waist apron Ccino wore slung over her shoulder. Killer noted a red cut under her left eye – he wondered where she got it.

"Are you going to order something or just stare at me like a creep?" she asked haughtily, her cheeks now sporting a light lavender blush. He had, somehow, made her angry; he hadn't even said anything yet! That must've been a new record.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Can I get a mocha frappe?" Killer said, a grin spreading across his face. The skeleton-lady nodded.

"Anything else?" she asked, pulling out a cup from under the counter.

"Your number?" Killer asked as he leaned over the counter a bit.

"Sorry, we're out of that," she informed him, an extremely fake smile stretching her face. "Though we do have a nice stock of polite introductions in the back if you'd like to order some of those. I'd recommend it, seems like you need them," she added, turning on her heel to the machine behind her to start making his coffee.

Killer chuckled, his grin broadening. He had to admit, he liked her spunk. "Gee I'd like ta try it; not sure if I'm allowed back there though," he responded, watching her back as she moved around the room. The barista made no comment, instead choosing to ignore him.

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