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(Geno x F!Dream)

(sorry idk their shipname XD)

Written: Feb. 12-13, 2022



Geno was laying on his couch, staring at the ceiling of his small apartment. The work week was finally over, and he had a nice two-day break to relax. Yes, that sounded wonderful, being able to relax for two days without anyone coming to him with questions about a client or a job, or phone calls to keep him up into the night. He took a deep breath and let it out, trying very hard not to think about all the work he'd have to do next week.

His current relaxation on the couch ended abruptly when he heard a violent rapping on his door. Geno sat up and looked at the door, the pounding continuing. And then came the voice. "Geno, it's me! Let me in!"

That horrible voice; the voice he wished he'd never hear again. He had become accustomed to the sound of fake desperation by now. "I know who you are, and I kicked you out for a reason!" Geno shouted back, his hands clenching the fabric of the couch. The rapping on the door stopped.

"Honey, why won't you let me in?" Juliana asked, her voice changing to sounding almost hurt. But he knew she wasn't really hurt. After dating her for almost two years, he knew when she was genuine and when she wasn't. "I just need a quick place to hide, there's this guy and he's-"

"Found a rebound so quickly then?" Geno interrupted stiffly, his chest tightening. "You really made me believe I was irreplaceable, you know."

"You are irreplaceable, Geno!" she responded, her hand now trying to push the locked door open from the outside. "Please, let me in, he'll be up here any minute!"

Geno hesitated. Maybe she was telling the truth, he thought. Maybe she had changed from before - changed for the better. Maybe she really had hooked up with the wrong sort and was truly in danger. He swore under his breath and got up, crossing the small apartment living room to the door. He got the keys and unlocked the door, though almost instantly regretted it.

Standing next to Juliana, his former girlfriend, was a tall man, and he looked anything but friendly. Geno tried to shove the door shut again, but the man, who was at least a foot taller than Geno, held the door open and pushed it open. "Juliana you lying, cheating, slut-!"

Geno didn't finish his raging insults. He felt a hard punch to his gut, which caused him to fall back onto the floor. "I would be sorry for you, Geeny," Juliana whispered, leaning down to his face with a sickeningly fake smile. "But this is kind of revenge for kicking me onto the streets when you knew I had nowhere to go."

"I wouldn't've done it if you hadn't been such a - *cough* - manipulative bitch," Geno hissed. Juliana rolled her eyes and kicked his side, and though Geno tried to get up, he was promptly knocked out by her accomplice.


Soft music was buzzing in the dim room, an aching pain starting in his head. Geno woke up to find himself on his couch, a clanking of dishes sounding from his kitchen not far away. His first thought was that of fear. Fear that his ex-girlfriend was still in the house. But when he heard the lo-fi playing, and registered what song it was, he knew it wasn't her. She preferred to listen to pop music, some alternative, and a fair amount of country mixed in for variety. Alternative was the only music from her playlist he ever liked. In fact, Juliana had been the one to introduce to him some of the songs that were now his favorite.

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