fell x (oc)scarab - safety

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(Scarab x Fell)

Requested by @/Scarab Skulls ssc

Written: Jan. 26-27, 2022



Walking to and from the grocery store seems like a mundane task to anyone, though not for many of the Underfell residents. Scarab, like most, was on high alert when doing something simple, like the shopping for her lover (he refused to do it most of the time, so she got stuck with it). Her paranoia was only heightened by the fact she was a female, and a short and attractive one at that, which only made her look like more of a target.

It is unfortunate to say, but in this story's beginning, we find poor Scarab on the streets, blissfully unaware of the predators hanging in an alleyway eagerly awaiting a chance to snag any oblivious passerby.

As Scarab walked by a dark and unused alleyway, she felt an unfamiliar tug on her shoulder. She shifted her attention to behind her and saw a rather short monster, not much taller than herself, trying to grab ahold of her purse. Despite the surrounding people, no one seemed to care when Scarab yanked on her bag and the stranger didn't let go. Instead he tried, and succeeded, to kick her shins and run.

Scarab let out a cry in pain, though still held onto her purse, biting her lip hard as she glared at him. "Let go!" she hissed, pulling harder on the strap.

"Not unless you let go first," retorted the monster. He seemed to be looking for another place to kick-

Before he could make another move, Scarab had gripped her purse tighter and kicked him in the crotch. Screwing his eyes shut at the pain, the stranger loosened his grip on the purse. Scarab took this opportunity to yank the purse from his grasp, sprinting in the opposite direction as fast as her legs would carry her.


Trekking through the snow, she kept her head low, eager to get back to the safety of home. Soon enough, Scarab stood in front of the door to Fell's and Edge's house, the key in her hand, and her bag and the groceries in the other. She put the key in the hole and twisted it roughly, shoving the door in and walking through.

Without much thought to her surroundings, she ignored a lazy and muffled "Hey sweets 'bout time-" and hurried toward the kitchen. She set the grocery bag onto the counter and unwrapped her scarf from her neck, placed it on a hook, and began to unbutton her thick winter coat.

"Ya ignorin' me again?" Scarab stopped unbuttoning her coat when she felt someone's hand on her shoulder; a familiar hand.

"N-no I'm not," Scarab replied, turning around to face Fell. She noted his brows were furrowed in worry, his sweater exceptionally wrinkly (must've been an older one). "I'm not ignoring you; did you say something before?"

"Yeah, I said 'hey' when you came in," Fell snapped, his worry melting away into that of irritation. "Don't see why it's so hard ta-"

"Sorry I-I knew you were there I just didn't see you and..." she knew he was overreacting again, and that this was stupid she had to defend herself over not responding to his rude greeting right away. "I didn't hear you, sorry. I was a bit preoccupied by something."

Fell went quiet, something he did when he picked up something had happened.

"Nothing to worry about!" Scarab added quickly, "just ran into a bit of trouble on the way home from the store."

Fell nodded, his eye-lights trailing down her front to her shoes. They were muddy, she noticed as she followed his gaze, and quite soaked from the run there. "Here," he grumbled, yanking on the front of her jacket and pulling her closer than five feet. He continued to unbutton the jacket until it was open, then he gently slipped it off her shoulders and held it in one hand. Their eyes met for a second as he hung it on a peg near the fridge. "D'you remember what the troublemaker looked like?" he asked, his back still turned to her as he adjusted the creases in the fabric.

Scarab shook her head, though she knew he wouldn't see it. "He was a monster, short, and uh, really skinny, I think," she said quietly. Fell turned to her, leaning his shoulder against the fridge and crossing his arms over his chest. "I'd... rather you not go after him, please," she added, her eyes falling to the floor.

Fell let out a snort, "Ya make it sound like I'm tha bad guy or somethin.'"

"You're not, I just... I would rather you not try and hurt anyone that tries to hurt me..." she trailed off, taking a few steps closer and taking his hand in her own. Fell's once red irises followed her hand as it intertwined with his.

"Why's that?" he questioned, "puttin' an' end to 'em'll mean one less jackass for everyone to deal with."

"Even so," Scarab pressed, ignoring the crude language, "kindness isn't going to grow in this AU if everyone insists on revenge."

"I'm not everyone," he pointed out, giving her a half-hearted smile. Scarab let out a hopeless laugh, her eyes meeting his.

"Yeah, that's true...." The two ceased their banter, their attention drifting somewhere else. Scarab kept her own attention locked on Fell's hand she was now holding, her own thumb bone gliding across his knuckles. She found herself leaning against the fridge with him, her eyes flitting along the kitchen floor.

"Does that calm you...?" whispered Fell, his head coming to rest against Scarab's.

Suddenly aware of her actions, Scarab nearly jumped on the spot, pulling her hand away and looking at the floor more intensely than before. Annoyingly, she felt her face heat up, no doubt her cheeks burning in embarrassment - but they were in a romantic relationship! Why should she get so flustered over something so small as holding hands? Now she was the one overreacting... talk about habits rubbing off on each other.

"...It's j-just habit...," she mumbled, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Sure, sure," he teased still quietly, placing a quick kiss to her forehead, his hand resting at the base of her neck. He rested his forehead against hers as he stroked the back of her neck gently, his eyes scanning whatever he could see of her.

Scarab let out a curt sigh, her own eye-lights rolling to the side. "You're so touchy," she remarked softly, "I've only been gone an hour and you already want affection."

"I didn't say nothin,' doll," he purred, a grin playing on his mouth as he pulled away slightly. "But how can you read me so easily, hm?"

"F-for one it's your actions that give you away-!" - Scarab was more embarrassed now he saw her fully flushed face - "Being touchy and stuff... a-and the...." She trailed off quietly, knowing full well she didn't want him to take another step away. He loved to tease her, to make her ask for it. And she knew she craved his closeness, the safety of his presence. He was the only one she ever felt truly safe around; she knew he'd never hurt her.

It seemed Fell had caught on to (some) of her inner thoughts. "Wanna watch something?" he asked softly, taking ahold of her hand.

Scarab nodded shyly. "Yeah... I'd uh... like that."


Needless to say, it wasn't just a movie, or the fact Edge was away, they enjoyed that fine evening.


Geez it's been TOO LONG since I got around to requests. Thanks everyone for being patient, and I hope you liked reading this one - I don't usually get to write Fell, and it was fun playing around with his dialogue.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote/heart it if you liked it or this book! Any support means a lot to me, and really is the only reason I bother with this fandom anymore lol.

Have a great next 24 hours, and thanks for the request :D


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