cream - water

353 10 1

(Cross x Dream)

Written: Dec. 14, 2021

Warnings! -- STUPIDITY


Dream found himself lost in the endless white void around him. It seemed to be cold here, much colder than in his previous location of the Sanctuary. He couldn't help but rub his arms, trying to create some sort of warmth as he continued his walk.

In the distance, he noticed something that wasn't white - but rather something that was gray. There were brown things and purple streaks as well. Dream became curious, and broke into a run as he neared the strange place.

When he got there, he was surrounded by massive white and gray toned buildings; stones and bricks stacked, some crumbling, and others missing. He noted the torn purple flags with white symbols on them - he thought he recognized the white marks to be the Deltarune, the crest of the Royal Family. He continued to walk through the once majestic city, or so that's what he thought it was, and came to a clearing. In the center of the clearing was a fountain, albeit a cracked one. The top was shattered, hardly any trace of one being there; although, water still somehow tricked from it and into the full basin below.

Dream walked closer to the fountain, getting onto his knees in front of the rim and peeking over. He took a quick look around to see if anyone was there - no one in sight. Excellent. The guardian slipped off his glove and skimmed his fingertips along the water's surface. The sheer clarity of the water surprised him - he'd expected it to be murky or something what with the surrounding debris and destruction. He couldn't help but for a small, innocent smile to creep onto his face as he watched the ripples.


"Don't. Move," came a voice from in front of him. Middle-toned, commanding, yet still feminine. He recognized that voice.



"You said don't move, you didn't say don't speak," Dream stated, his grin growing as his eye-lights traveled up to meet the other's.

Cross glared at him, a knife in her hand as it rested on the white marble of the fountain. She was sitting across from him, on the other side of the fountain, and was twisting her back to look at him. Dream must not have seen her before...

The knight turned her back to him once more, her knife leaving his view as she put it in her lap. Dream could hear a metallic scrapping sound, but didn't have much concern as he continued to play with the water in front of him.


"...So are you going to tell me why you're here?" Cross asked, her back still turned to the guardian. Dream shrugged uselessly, continuing what he was doing without much care.

"I don't know. I was wandering around and..." he started, not quite sure how else to explain the strange pull he'd felt earlier. "I was curious."

Cross let out a hum in reply. She stood up and hid the knife, walking over to where Dream was sitting on the ground. She looked at him, her black turtleneck covering her mouth as her brows furrowed. "What are you doing?"

"Playing with the water," he answered simply.

"Why? What's the point in that?"

Dream let out a chuckle and patted the spot on the fountain next to him, signaling for her to sit down. Cross mumbled something then did as he wished, sitting on the fountain and crossing her arms. Despite her warm attire, it was still cold to sit on.

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