dustberry - found (2)

218 7 4

(EV!Dust x EV!Blue)

Written: Dec. 6-9, 2021

Warnings! -- ANGST


Blue woke up with a groan and her head pounding. She couldn't hear anything save a sort of ringing. Her hands slowly made their way to the side of her head, holding them tightly, as if the pressure would stop the growing pain. It worked somewhat, her vision and hearing clearing the longer it went on. Soon enough, she was able to concentrate and take in where she was.

She was in a dark room. She was laying on her back on some cold cobblestone floor, dirt and dust layered with and around her. Her hands rested at either side of her head, backs on the floor, as she turned and looked around more.

Once she turned her head, she noticed movement in the corner of the cell. Someone was there, and they had pulled out a metal lighter, flicking the top off and igniting the small flame. Blue's eyes widened as she watched the flickering flame come closer to her, then dip down, and light a candle not far from her head. The candle was half gone, she noted, and took a second to catch the flame from the lighter.

Once done, the person flicked the lighter closed and stuffed it back in their pocket. Blue's eye lights finally adjusted to the low light and was able to decern the figure more clearly.

Once Dust's name was registered, she couldn't focus on anything as a clicking sound filled the room, followed by incoherent mumbling.


"...D-Dust...?" her voice was small, worried and scared. She didn't bother to hide it. It was obvious she was terrified to be alone in a dark cell with a murderer. With a murderer. An enemy. She had been captured.

She had been captured.

She swore under her breath. She had meant to capture him! Not the other way around!

The clicking stopped, and Dust lifted his head so their eyes could meet. His eyes were odd, she thought. One was pure red, while the other was blue with a red ring around it; both eyes had a pitch-black pupil. They were half-lidded, a strange calmness about him. His brows furrowed.

"Do you know how to solve a rubix cube?" he asked.

The question caught Blue off guard; her confusion evident. "Y-yes, yes I do," she stammered, trying and barely succeeding at getting up. She sat up now and moved to sit in front of him, her back against the opposite stone wall. It was unbelievably cold. So cold she even questioned how long he had been in here with her - or how long she had been in here with him.

Dust pulled out the rubix cube he had been working on - so that's what made the clicking sound - and held it out for her to take. It was nearly solved at this point, only a few red and blue tiles out of place. Blue hesitantly took it, her fingertips brushing his palm ever so slightly.

She didn't bother to push the blush down; it was cold enough in the cell as it was. Without a word from either of them, Blue went to work on flipping the sides of the cube: up, down, left, left, left, one row down, left, right, right, down, right, up-

"...You're good at that."

Blue paused her switching and clicking for a split second. "I've...done it a lot," she replied curtly, resuming her work on the puzzle cube. "My brother often got stuck on them and needed my help. So I helped him."

"Does it happen of'en?"

"It...yeah. It happened often. He liked puzzles and stuff, but he's terrible at it."

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