insomnia - lucis...?

778 15 7

(Error x Dream)

(Lucis is their daughter; she belongs to me)

Written: Nov. 4, 2021

Revised: Oct. 30, 2023


Lucis sat on her bed, kicking her feet against the wall. She was bored, so bored she couldn't put it into words. Though half of that perhaps had to do with her small vocabulary.

She didn't like to talk. Words were hard, and it was easy to mix up languages and meanings and...


She just wanted to be understood. She wanted to communicate, she wanted to speak, she wanted to interact with the other kids like they interacted with each other.

But why was it so hard? It was annoying. It made her angry sometimes. So angry she wanted to break something. But she knew she couldn't break anything. Nothing she owned, nothing her parents owned, nothing her friends owned, because that was mean. She had to control her temper so she wasn't mean.

Her parents didn't want her to be mean.

But it was kinda contradictory, cause dad got angry a lot. He had a hard time controlling his temper. Mom said he was emotional.

Lucis grabbed one of her dolls near her pillow and hugged it, stroking its back.

Sometimes, when dad got angry, he would yell at mom...

Lucis cried when her dad yelled.

She cried more when mom fought back. Usually, dad would just yell at mom, swear even, and she would stand there and take it and try to calm him down once he was done.

One time, Lucis had walked in when her parents were arguing. This time was weird though. Dad was in the middle of yelling something about "no one cares about what I do," and then he stopped.

Mom was crying.

He stopped yelling.

Mom walked toward him and hugged him. Lucis could see the creases her mom was making in dad's jacket as she hugged him tightly.

This confused her.

They were arguing. They were mad at each other. Why was mom crying? Was she sad? Why did dad stop yelling when he noticed her crying? What where they even fighting about?

Lucis decided to believe that grown-ups are weird.

When Lucis was mad, and when she was yelling, she didn't stop. She kept going, and going, and going, her words running together, the sentence structure melding until she became impossible to understand.

The sun was getting low. Almost dinner time. Or had her mom already started dinner?

"Lucis! Wanna help mommy in the kitchen?" came a voice from downstairs.

The little one jumped off her bed, her deep thoughts abandoning her as she stomped and hopped down the stairs of their little house. "Coming!"

Her cape billowed behind her as she hopped down the last two stairs. Before she could take a step, however, someone wrapped their arms around her middle, hoisting her into the air and throwing her. Lucis squealed in surprise, a smile stretching across her face when her dad caught her in his arms, bringing her into a tight hug.

Lucis wrapped her arms around her father's neck, nuzzling her face into his warm scarf. He laughed at this, a genuine smile stretching his tired features.

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