requests closed

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I've been sitting on some requests since the beginning of January, which as of right now was a month ago, and I'm gonna cut myself some slack.

As of today, February 10, 2022, requests for this collection of oneshots are closed.

Sorry to anyone who wanted to request something, but ya missed yo chance I guess. To those of you who've requested something, I have it written down somewhere, and I'll make sure to write it. At some point. 

I beg for your patience, please, school is killing me, and I have very little motivation as it is. Mostly having to do with the fact I uh... don't really consider myself a part of this chaotic and weird fandom anymore (I still love the OG game though, it's the fandom that, uh, hasn't been all too kind to me though. Of course, there have been wonderful friends I've met through it. I won't forget y'all that easily).

ANYWAYS! So sorry for this long timewaster, I'll try and get to the requests this weekend, and hopefully I'll get one or two out. No promises, but I'll do my best :3

Love all you wonderful readers, and I hope you have a wonderful night. Or day. Depends on where you are and what time you read this I guess.



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