errormare - neko

441 10 1

(F!Neko!Error x Nightmare)

Written: Feb. 11, 2022



It was midnight, Nightmare couldn't sleep, and Error had been closed up in her room all day. And it had been an exceptionally long day for Nightmare indeed; his subordinates weren't following orders the way he wanted them to; negativity had been harder to find recently (perhaps that had to do with the recent holiday season?); and to top it all off, his lover had refused to see anyone the entire day, even him.

As the minutes ticked by, Nightmare became more and more restless with irritation. That all too familiar feeling of needing to yell at someone was pulling at his chest, and no matter how hard he tried to suppress it, it refused to do anything but grow stronger. He got up from his bed and slid a robe on, fastened it around his waist, and strode to the door of his bedroom. He wrenched it open and slouched down the stone corridors, mumbling to himself how dark it was, how he could barely see his feet, and how low the candles were getting (someone needed to replace them soon).

Walking through the eerie and empty castle, Nightmare finally came to a door at the end of an empty, though well used, hallway. He straightened his robe quickly and knocked on the door. "I know you're awake, Error," he stated through the door. There was no answer. "Error, open the door."

There came a shuffling, as if someone were getting out of bed. Nightmare waited patiently as the shuffling continued, followed by a low curse and a thud. No doubt Error had run into something in the dark. "Are you alright-?"

"I'M FINE DON'T COME IN!" Error shouted. Nightmare flinched slightly, though removed his hand from the doorknob immediately.

Finally, the door opened just enough for Error to be seen in the dim candlelight. Her black head wore a maroon beanie, her glasses haphazardly placed on the bridge of her nose. Almost instantly, Nightmare found himself unable to suppress a fond smile at the sight. "What in the world do you need at this time of night?" Error asked somewhat irritably, the bags under her eye-sockets seeming to darken as she spoke.

Nightmare hesitated, suddenly caught off guard. He found it suddenly very difficult for him to be mad at her, or anything at the moment. How odd. "I... I was just, well I was wondering if maybe you'd finally let me see you," he replied, hoping his mess of a sentence wasn't too bad. Though perhaps it had been, because Error raised a brow at this, her mouth thinning into a line.

"You see me every day. Why'd you have to wake me up now-?"

"I haven't seen you all day."

"And?" she snapped. Her multicolored phalanges slipped to the front of her beanie, pulling it down a bit as she shifted her position suspiciously.

"It's not like you to avoid me."

"Well, it's like you to wake up in the middle of the night and come for a little visit."

Nightmare wanted very badly to correct her on that statement (he had in fact visited her very often in the middle of the night for either comfort, or some other favor); although, his attention was soon turned to her beanie. He hadn't noticed it before, but now he saw two distinct lumps on either side of the top of her head. His brows furrowed, his hand quickly reaching out and pulling the beanie right off her head.

"NIGHTMARE GIVE THAT BACK!" Error screeched, trying to grab the hat back from him. The door fell open more as she tried to tackle him for the beanie, and then Nightmare saw what he never dreamed of seeing in his life as he stepped back to regain balance. He grabbed her neck and held her back, keeping her at arm's length as he looked her over. From her behind was a long twitching tail, cat-like and black as night. On top of her head were two cat-like ears, also black with flecks of red and grey. "G-give me the hat b-back-!" Error choked, still trying to reach it as he held it aloft.

Nightmare finally found words once he stopped looking her over and let her go. "What the hell happened to you?" he asked. "Why do you look like a nek-"

"Don't you dare say that word, Nightmare, or I will murder you," Error snapped, rubbing her neck, and keeping her eye-lights glued to the floor. "Long story short, Ink and the fandom had a little fun 'editing' my appearance...."

Nightmare nodded slowly. Then, he let out a snort, which turned into a chuckle, and finally it turned into a laugh. His deep laughter reverberated off the stone hallway as Error continued to fume and flush at full capacity.

"Fine, go ahead and laugh," Error grumbled, "laugh at my misery. I'm going back to bed."

Nightmare's laughter died down, though his grin remained as he blocked the way back to her bedroom with a newly conjured tendril. "Ah, ah, ah, kitty," he whispered, pulling the tentacle closer to her, and taking a step himself. "I'm a bit curious about something."

"Eugh, save your curiosity for tomorrow, I'm tired," Error shot back, her cat tail twitching irritably again.

"Aw, come now, love, I just want to try a little something," Nightmare purred, stroking the side of Error's turned away face with the back of his hand. Her face flushed a darker and more sparkling blue as she shoved his hand away.

"...If you're gonna be a bitch about it, be it in the room, not in the hallway." Error turned away from him and was graciously not stopped as she stomped back into her room, leaving the door open.

Nightmare had a devilish grin on his mouth as he waltzed right in, half closing the door behind him (it was the dead of night, he doubted any of the others would want to go wandering the castle now). Error was standing at the foot of her four-poster bed, her arms crossed in front of her chest irritably, her head still down. It seemed to him she was ashamed of her current appearance, which, to him, was valid.

"...Well, are you gonna stare at me like a creep or do your thing and leave?" Error inquired, facing him now with a raised brow. Nightmare's grin faltered at her tone, though stepped forward and grabbed one of her hands in his.

"I'm so sorry for stalling, kitten," he replied, giving her an affectionate nose nuzzle. Error let out a stuttered "sh-shut up," though her words betrayed the stupid smile and bright blush that made up her dark face.

Nightmare took her grin as an "ok" and brought one of his hands up to her head. He let his fingertips stroke her "ears" gently, eliciting a soft sort of purring sound from her. He grinned while Error clapped a hand to her mouth in embarrassment. Nightmare drew his hand back, instead using them both to cup her face and pull her in. He grinned as he gave her a gentle and loving kiss, his face finally flushing with hers. Error left out a soft sound of enjoyment as she kissed back, her hands slipping to his robe front and holding onto the fabric tightly.

The couple soon pulled back, neither one opening their eyes, but rather standing there in the dim light. Eventually, Nightmare opened his eyes, though couldn't bring himself to close them again. Despite the recent modification to her appearance, she was still just as lovely as he believed her to be.

Though Nightmare's thoughts were eventually driven back to reality when he felt a pair of hands sneakily trying to undo the belt of his robe.

"I thought you wanted me to leave so you could sleep?" Nightmare sneered, taking ahold of her wrists and pulling them away and to either side of them.

Still not opening her eyes, Error responded with a grin, "I've missed you today, so I want to make up for lost time."

He couldn't have smiled any wider as he pulled her in for another kiss, though perhaps this time a bit too desperate and rough.


Apologies for this cringey mess of a oneshot. I thought the writing itself wasn't bad though. Hope y'all enjoyed (especially to the lovely requester - thanks for your patience!)! Requests are still a WIP! Maybe more this weekend! :D


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