drink - missed

992 12 5

(Dream x Ink)

Written: Dec. 10-11, 2021

Warnings! -- ANGST, FLUFF


Dream walked through the vast hallways alone, the midnight rain pounding on the window panes as she walked by. The only light at this time was the occasional bolt of lightning, it's piercing white light sending cracks to be printed on the walls for a split second before disappearing.

It was dark. It was very dark in the Sanctuary.

Dream didn't like the dark. She told herself over, and over, there was nothing to be afraid of - it was just a lack of light. Nothing evil could come into this place, she told herself, nothing evil could come. And yet...she still found her socked feet walking briskly through the corridors.

If she was so scared of the dark, why wasn't she in her bed by now? Why was she still awake?

Well the answer to that, unlike her fear of the dark, had a simple answer. She was looking for someone. She was looking and waiting for someone's return.

Blue had been gone for a few weeks now, though that was intentional. Blue had told Dream he'd be gone for a bit; he said he wanted to visit Underswap and his brother again, and so he and Core had left not long after. Dream had wished him luck and a safe trip to and from, assuring him that all would be well when he returned.

Although...not everything was well.

Dream turned a corner and went down a flight of stairs, nearing ever closer to the entrance of the Sanctuary.

She had told Blue all would be well, but one thing wasn't planned for: Ink's disappearance.

Ink had disappeared from the Sanctuary, the three's home, not long after...


He had left a note. That's it. His spare clothes, his gala outfit, even his brush had remained behind. Dream took it as a reminder of how she had messed up.

Not long before he disappeared, maybe a day or two, the guardian had lost track by now, something between them had happened. Ink had done the one thing Dream had hoped over and over he would never do.

She had noticed the signs - she knew them all too well. The leaning closer to her, the smiles, the gentle nature around her, the hand touching, the forehead kisses before bed, the...

The crying whenever she was hurt...

Dream shook her head and blinked furiously, trying to hold back the tears that were falling. She put on her boots and a long coat over her nightdress.


"Dream...I...I uh, w-well, can I talk to you for a bit...?"

"Yes, you can tell me anything, Ink. What's wrong?"

"Oh...nothing's 'wrong' necessarily. I just wanted to ask you something."

"Alright...? What is it?"

"...Do you...do you know what it - what it feels like to love someone?"

Dream hesitated. "I-Ink what do you mean...?"

"Does it feel like - like you're burning up? You can't stop smiling when you're around that one person. You can't stop thinking of them before you go to sleep, or when you take a walk, or when you- or when you-"

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