inkmare - doodle

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(Nightmare x F!Ink)

Requested by @/ShadowWolves360 on Wattpad

Written: Jan. 18-19, 2022

Warnings!! - SHORT

Ink had a plan, and as long as Nightmare was alive, she'd execute it every chance she got.

It wasn't an easy thing when it came to asking Nightmare for something, not even if the simple request came from his lover.

"Please, Nightmare?" Ink whined, dragging her sketchbook and a pencil behind her, "just one little doodle?"

"Absolutely not," Nightmare snapped, turning on his heel to face the artist. "How many times are you going to ask me today? I don't want to draw you and you won't be able to persuade me to do it."

"Why not?!" she retorted, glaring at him from where she stood. Nightmare pinched the bridge of his nose, something he always did when trying to hold back his temper. He let out a sigh, his singular eye softening as he placed a hand on Ink's shoulder gently.

"I don't believe I'd do you any justice if I tried to draw you, like you so desire," he said quietly. "Wouldn't you rather... I don't know, do something else together that doesn't revolve around a pencil and paper?"

Ink remained silent, which was very odd, thought the king.

"Ok, sorry for... for bothering you," she said quietly, her ever changing eyes turning to blues and grays now. Nightmare's heart sank a bit despite himself. "I'll uh, just, go back to doing my thing, I guess."

"...I'll see you later, alright?" Nightmare said softly, bringing the tiny artist in for a hug. Ink nodded stiffly against his chest, quickly withdrew, and took a step back.



Nightmare held the pencil in his right hand, trying to figure out how in the world to draw. Ink had always made it so easy, but he now realized he really didn't have the skill for this. Maybe this was a stupid idea - he'd told Ink he wouldn't attempt drawing her, and yet, here he was, pencil in hand, and a sheet of paper in front of him on his desk.

The candlelight was barely enough to light the page, how was he supposed to...?

Nightmare let out a frustrated sigh, his brow furrowing in concentration as he glared at the blank page, as if willing it to create a perfect sketch of Ink for him. He finally understood why most artists hated it when being asked to draw someone in real life, as Ink had told him.

The king reluctantly began dragging his pencil across and around the page, erasing lines he didn't like, then redrawing them when another line he didn't like cropped back up. He tried hard to concentrate on what Ink looked like; the shape of her head and the size of her eyes; the thickness or thinness of her arms, shoulders, waist, and hips.

I can't believe I'm doing this.


After a good thirty minutes of trying, Nightmare gave up and decided the sketch was as good as it was going to get. He leaned back in his chair, crossed his arms over his chest, and stared at the drawing. To be honest, for a first try, it wasn't that bad. Of course, that probably had to do with the fact he often watched Ink draw or paint in his free time - he had learned a few tricks here and there.

She was wonderful at it. The way she could imitate so many different art styles and draw them perfectly... from anime to cartoon to semi-realistic to realistic itself, she could do it all flawlessly. She was talented, that's for sure. Though perhaps that was also a perk of being the "Protector of the AUs," Nightmare thought.

He took one last look at the drawing before he tucked it into a drawer in his desk. Maybe he'd show it to Ink later. Maybe he'd try again. Who knows.


So sorry for the shortness and lamity of this oneshot.

(lamity isn't a word, I don't think-)

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