insomnia - cocoa bag

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(Error x F!Dream)

I've been getting a lotta insomnia requests, so here ya go. Something my brain concocted for some reason.

Written: Feb. 2-6, 2022


Dream, having been stuck at home most of her life, never got to go shopping. She received gifts and such throughout her adult life - gifts of food, clothes, necessities, etc., though she hadn't actually gone shopping before.

And as she walked down the main street of a city she was visiting, she couldn't help but become immensely curious over a particular shop she passed. She left the company of her friend, Blue, to look through the window, admiring the skillfully put together window display. It seemed to be a general store of sorts; shelves packed with produce and packages, the corners decorated with spinning shelves of chips and popcorn, and various other shelves were stacked with all sorts of other things.

Dream pulled herself from the window and returned to Blue's side. "Do you mind if I go and look around by myself?" Dream asked.

"Uh, sure? Knock yourself out!" Blue answered, giving her a smile.

Dream gave her thanks and hurried into the general store from before, eager to have a better look around. The bell dinged above her head as she stepped in, carefully shutting the door behind her so as not to attract attention. Lucky for her, the store was empty; she couldn't see anyone there except for the cashier near the front. Dream turned and gave a nod and smile to the cashier, who gave her a nod in return before returning to writing something on the counter.

Dream began to peruse the aisles, picking up and putting back various packages or cans of food or office supplies. Once near the front of the store again, she picked up a package of what looked to be hot cocoa. She couldn't help the small smile that came to her mouth as she looked at it, wondering if she could buy it for later use...

"Wouldn't recommend that one, miss," came a low voice. Dream's attention turned from the package to a man - or a skeleton, like herself, though darker and mismatched in color. She raised a brow as he turned back to his work of stocking a shelf near her.

"Why is that? What's wrong with this one?" Dream inquired, now feeling a bit defensive of the package she held closer to her body.

"Nothin's wrong with it, per se," the employee responded, his blue and yellow pinpricks still primarily on his work, "it's just not as good as" - he pulled another package from the shelf and held it out to her - "this one."

Dream took the package from him slowly, still not putting away the first one she'd taken. She looked at it and noted the difference in brands and design. "How is this one better?" she asked simply.

The employee shrugged. "Just tastes more real. Take it or leave it. I just thought you'd want some pointing in the right direction," he replied, turning his attention now to her. "Cause by the look of it, it looks like you've never been in a store before." He cracked a small smile as Dream let out a not unnoticed huff.

"I-I have been to a store before, actually," she retorted, "this one's just different."

"This is a general store-"

"Well not all general stores have nosy employees!"

"I was just trying to help you!"

"I know but-"


The employee and Dream turned around to see another person standing at the end of the aisle, his face breaking into a grin as he walked forward with a sort of casual swagger. "Error, ma man! How're you doin?"

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