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Steve and Bucky have been married for a year now.

They still live in the Avengers Compound because they didn't have the heart to leave their friends.

This is something they loved; the loudness, the talking the screaming, constant being around people, they loved it. 

So they stayed, and they have loved every second of it.

They all still go on missions periodically, but lately, the newly built S.H.I.E.L.D. has been able to handle majority of the missions.

Steve keeps painting, a lot of them are of Bucky or his friends, and Bucky just sits with him. Tony built him another secret painting room in the compound and Steve showed Bucky and that's where they spend most of their time.

Steve, Bucky, Natasha, and Wanda are all in the living room watching a movie. They have been doing this a lot lately since they don't have many things that they need to be doing, so they have been relaxing while they still can. 

Bucky is laying down with his head on Steve's lap, Steve is running his fingers through Bucky's hair. 

"I still can't believe we've been married for a year, Stevie," Bucky mutters to Steve. 

Steve smiles down at Bucky, continuing to move his fingers. "I know Buck. It's crazy to me too because I never thought I'd get married, let alone to you."

Bucky hums happily, as he turns his head to look up at Steve. Bucky says, "I know. I'm so happy it's you. For me, it's always been you."

Steve blushes, "It's always been you too. I wouldn't have done this, not without you," Steve leans down and kisses Bucky on the lips. Nothing but love and happiness is passed between the kiss, and Bucky can feel the emotions pouring out of Steve, even if their lips only connected for a second. 

"I'm with you until the end of the line, Buck," Steve whispers to him, faces merely inches apart.

"I'm with you until the end of the line too, Stevie baby," Bucky whispers back, and moves his hand to grab Steve's neck to pull him down for another kiss.

Steve smiles against Bucky's lips, content with where they are now, when forty years ago this was a crime. 

Steve got everything he ever wanted, he got love, a family, he got his Bucky back. 

And to Steve, Buck was the only thing he ever needed.

friends, married, or ghosts in the afterlife, Bucky was the only thing Steve wanted to have in this world, because he didn't want to conquer a world alone if Bucky wasn't by his side. 

And likewise for Bucky too. 


This is the end of the book. I hope everyone enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. Of course I had to give them a happy ending, but this book has now (finally) come to an end. Thank you all for reading! 

I might end up writing another fanfic about them soon or maybe another one about a different fandom and ship, so who knows, but hopefully if I do, you guys would be interested in reading that one it is in the works.

Thank you again for reading, and I hope you all liked the book, any comments about it would be great for future references, but with that, thank you for everything; the comments, the likes, and just reading, thank you. <3

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