Chapter Seventeen

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Bucky woke up to the sound of chatter happening around him. When he opened his eyes and looked around, he saw more faces than before he fell asleep. The avengers were home.

Bucky rose to sit on the neck of his legs, seeing as he was just on his stomach and decided to join the conversation.

He rubbed the sleep from his eyes when someone started to whisper to him, "how'd you sleep? Tony and the rest are back and we are getting Mexican takeout. I ordered you your favorite, tacos." Steve's voice.

Bucky smiles at him, "thank you, Steve. I slept pretty good actually and-"

"Well good morning Bucky mc-boing boing! Glad you could finally join the conversation"
Tony told Bucky, giving him a devious smile.

Bucky just rolls his eyes and goes to move his feet to dangle off the couch when he starts to groan in pain. His sore spots where he got shot started to irritate him.

Steve noticed the painful groan and carefully watched Bucky to make sure he was alright. Once he knew Bucky was alright he turned his attention back to Tony was was talking about everything about the convention and what the President was saying and talked about Bucky getting shot as well until the food came.

The Avengers all gathered at the table. Peter, Sam, and Rhodey were also joining them. They all grabbed their food and started to eat their Mexican takeout while talking about the past week and the plan for tomorrow.

"FRIDAY, can you please wake up Bucky and without telling him, take him up here. Please" Steve asked the AI, finally getting ready to do something he has wanted to do for years.

It was 1am and Bucky was fast asleep until the AI abruptly woke him up. "Mr. Barnes, sorry to wake you but please head to the elevator. I suggest nicer pants and a shirt before you go" FRIDAY told him, fully knowing what was happening.

Bucky grumbled to himself, slowly getting up and doing what FRIDAY told him to do, confusion roaming his face.

He changed into black slacks and a red button up shirt, leaving the top button undone and rolling up the sleeves a quarter up his arms. He grabbed black shoes and brushed his hair before leaving his room and walking to the elevator.

He stepped into the elevator and when the doors closed, it started to go up. Bucky started to get nervous, unsure of what was happening and wondering why he was going much higher.

The elevator stopped and the doors opened, a gust of wind hitting his face. The roof. Walking out of the elevator, red and white rose petals scattered the rooftop in a path, a few candles here and there to illuminate the path.

Bucky started to walk down the path, breathing in the scent of the rose petals and taking in this moment in time, wanting it to last. Getting to the end, Bucky could see Steve waiting for him. He had blankets on the roof and fairy lights hanging on the edge of the wall so you wouldn't fall off and more candles.

Steve was waiting for him with a smile on his face. He was dressed in black slacks and a blue button up with the one button undone and sleeves rolled up, black shoes and his hair was combed as well.

"Hey Bucky" Steve says warmly.

"Hey Stevie. What is all this?" Bucky questions, looking around at everything Steve did.

Steve chuckles nervously, "oh I just wanted to do something nice for you. And we went to the apartment roof and star gazed when we were kids so thought it'd be nice to bring it back. Here come join me." Steve reaches out his hand for Bucky to take and without hesitation Bucky took it, following Steve to the ledge to look up.

They both looked up at the sky with smiles on their faces. After a couple minutes, Steve walked away and turned on We Belong Together by Los Lobos. Bucky was still looking up at the sky while Steve slowly walked back when the song started to play and slowly snaked his arms around Bucky from behind.

Bucky felt the movement and once Steve got closer, Bucky relaxed in the embrace, putting his hands on Steve's arms and started to sway with Steve.

Holding him, Steve set his head on Bucky's right shoulder and moved his mouth up to whispered in his ear, "Beautiful isn't it?"

"Mmm yes it is. I love the stars a lot" Bucky whispered back. Steve just smiled even though that wasn't what he was talking about.

Steve felt like this was the right time, even if it could ruin the moment, it was now or never. The jazz music playing, the starry night, the view of the skyline, he planned this all out until the very last detail. Nervously, Steve started to talk to Bucky. "I'm glad you like it Bucky but there is one more thing to add to this wonderful night" Steve explained.

"What would that be, Steve?" Bucky asked.

Steve breathed in, getting ready to make himself vulnerable but he continued, nonetheless. "Ever since we were kids I have always felt like we had a connection. I mean you were my first and only friend I had growing up, but at the age 16 I realized I liked you more than what was even legal at the time. When you fell off the train, I searched for you, yearning to be able to find you and when we couldn't, I lost a part of me and I started to fight and even ended up crashing a plane into the ocean just to be with you again."

Steve started to shake but started again, "then I wake up 70 years later where I thought I was going to have to live in a world where you weren't in it and it broke me. Fighting in battles, waking up in an unknown time without you really was horrific, until on that bridge when we reunited again. Then I fought to get you back and I did, almost ruining the avengers in the process but I got you back which is what mattered. I guess what I'm trying to say is that Bucky, I'm in love with you and have been for years." Steve let out a breath, happy that he finally confessed to the man he loved, and to the only person he ever loved.

It was silent for a moment, Bucky taking in all of the information. He knew one thing though, and that he felt the same, always felt the same. So, Bucky turned around in Steve's arms to look into his eyes. He had a devious smile on his lips as he looked from Steve's eyes to his lips and back up, licking his own lips in the process. Steve looked at him, wondering what Bucky was going to say yet, he so far has said nothing.

Bucky decided instead of confessing, he'd just show him. So, Bucky tilted his head up and started to lean in to connect his and Steve's lips. After a second, Steve realized wha ''twas happenings and started to kiss Bucky back.

It was a slow, passionate kiss, feeling the way their lips moved in sync and how after many years, they were finally together. The broke apart, leaving their foreheads to rest against one another's as they looked into each other's eyes. They both felt like they were on a cloud, being able to kiss one another freely.

Bucky decided to break the silence. "I wanna be your boyfriend" he whispered to Steve. Steve broke in a huge smile and reconnected their lips for a moment before breaking apart again.

"Let's lay down and watch the stars" Steve told him, moving to go lay on the blankets with his boyfriend.

They both laid down on the blankets, they both are wrapped in one another's arms as closely as possible, while looking at the stars and shirking kisses back and forth. They both were happy. Steve and Bucky didn't want this moment to end, but they enjoyed it as long as possible.

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