Chapter Thirteen

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Steve woke up the next morning at 10:00am. He felt groggy and tired, his eyes felt droopy and he just wanted to stay in bed all day.

He couldn't remember last night after falling into the pool, all he knew was that he started to drink and couldn't stop. Guess that's what happens when you drink too much, he thought to himself.

It's been a while since Steve could feel something from drinking, he doesn't know what to feel, exactly. That's when Steve started to feel the warmth of someone under his head. He looks up and sees Bucky.

Steve's eyes went wide as he quickly untangled himself and gets out of his bed, wondering what exactly did happen last night. Steve knows how he feels about Bucky, he just hoped he didn't show it last night and that he can't even remember it.

Bucky starts to stir in his sleep, slowly opening his eyes. He opens his eye fully and looks around the room, that's when he sees Steve looking at him wider eyed and far away from the bed. "What's wrong Steve?" Bucky asks, slowly sitting up in the bed that wasn't his.

"What... What are you doing in my bed? What exactly happened last night..?" Steve says wearily, not knowing how he should feel.

"You were out of it last night. You started to drink a lot of the alcohol that Thor brings from Asgard to the point where you seemed to be drunk. You partied, danced with Nat, then I took you to bed where you asked me to stay because I made you go to bed, then we fell asleep and here were are now" Bucky explains to Steve. Bucky sees Steve's face wash over with relief, most likely because he couldn't remember last night.

Bucky got out of bed and started to walk to Steve. "Let's go eat some breakfast, punk" Bucky says, motioning to Steve to exit out of the room.

"Okay, Jerk" Steve says, stopping mid doorway so that Bucky bumps into him. Bucky slams into the back of him.

Steve chuckles while Bucky slaps him. Bucky groans, "really? You'll regret that later."

"We'll see about that" and Steve starts to walk away.

They both walk to the kitchen, Steve minding his own business while Bucky thinks of how to get back Steve for stopping in front of him.

They make it to the kitchen where the whole team is, Tony is making eggs and bacon for the team.

"Look who decided to join us this morning" Natasha exclaimed as she's walking to the kitchen to get more coffee.

The team starts to look towards the entryway of the hallway to the kitchen and living room and see Steve and Bucky walking in.

Thor had to leave back to Asgard, Scott had to go back to San Francisco, Sam went back to DC, Rhodey is with the military, and Peter is back with his aunt. Clint, Bruce, Wanda, vision, and Stephen are at the table while Tony and Nat are in the kitchen.

"Glad you guys are awake, we have some business to attend to as a team." Tony put eggs onto the plate and turned the stove off, having and abundant amount of bacon, eggs, and toast for the team.

The two super soldiers grab a plate to grab food and go to sit down. They sit in the two open seats in the middle of the table, in between Wanda and Nat's seats. Bucky sits next to Wanda and Steve next to Natasha. Next to wanda is Vision and then Tony at the head of the table. Next to Nat is Bruce and then open seats. Clint and Stephen are on the opposite side of the table.

"So what's this business we have to attend to?" Steve asks in between him shoveling eggs into his mouth.

"We have a mission." All heads turn to Tony as he finished his sentence, Tony silenced them and continued, " we are going to need 5-7 people for this. We are going to Washington state. The president has asked us to escort him and keep his safe, as there has been sightings on an unknown creature roaming there and he has a week long convention. Who's up for it?"

The whole team starts saying how they'd want to go and start saying what they want to do across the country when Steve speaks up. "Can I go?" He raises his voice so everyone at the table hears him over the banter and Bucky speaks first.

"No steve you're not going you just got back from being gone." Bucky turns and looks at Steve, giving him the upmost serious look.

"Why can't I go? I'm perfectly fine and we leave in four days so I'll have time to train and prepare" Steve exclaims, slightly getting upset at the protectiveness of Bucky.

"I don't care if you have time to train! You're not going, we just got you back and if something happens in Washington and you get hurt again, I won't be able to live with myself!" Bucky raises his voice, trying not to have Steve go to Washington with the team.

Steve was about to say something when Tony interrupts, " He's right Cap. You're not going. I'll be going, Bucky can go in place of you, Stephen, Wanda, Clint, and vision can go as well. Nat, Bruce and Cap will stay here. No exceptions."

"Fine." Steve gets up and takes his half full plate of food and puts it in the kitchen then walks to his room.

"Steve!" Bucky yells but all he gets in return is the slam of a door. Bucky gets up and runs to Steve's room, slightly feeling guilty about what just took place.

He gets to Steve's room and knocks on the door. "Steve?" He doesn't hear a response so he walks in and sees Steve sitting on his bed, tears streaming down his face.

"Stevie? What's wrong?" Bucky asks, kneeling in front of Steve, putting own hands on his knees.

"I don't get to go on the mission, but you get to. And you leave in four days and we just got united back together after the crazy amount of time we were apart. It's just not fair, I want to go to Washington." Steve says in between sniffles, not looking up at Bucky to meet his eyes.

"I know you want to, but it's better if you don't, you'll be much safer. And hey we will just have to make these four days count." Bucky replies. Steve lifts his head to meet Bucky's ocean blue eyes and smiles.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get ready and start making these days leading up to you leaving fun, because I know in four days I'll be a mess" Steve exclaims, getting up and getting ready.

Bucky leaves his room and goes to his own, preparing himself for these four days with Steve, having a smile on his face.

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