15: You Almost Killed Me

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15: You Almost Killed Me

It was a Monday morning and Kyle was sick, mom being mom told me and got baking some chocolate chip cookies with peanut butter Kyle's favourite.

"I'll take them over mom" I say insisting as I was fully dress ready to go nurse Kyle back to health.

"Well it seems Kyle will be in good hands today" mom says with a big smile as she looked at me with a hint of happiness and peace.

"Yeah mom I promised his mom I would look after him since she's in Florida with Kyle's dad for the weekend poor him all alone" I say honestly feeling sorry for him knowing he was full of loneliness by now.

"Well your a little Angel honey take care of him well for me and I'll send Addy over during lunch time with a meal for both of you" she says with a big smile as she placed the cookie plate in my hands with a big wide smile.

"Thank you mom" I smile bright knowing she held love with her words and that each cookie was made with love and hard work.

"I'll call you in a little, you should go out with some friends" I suggest but as I do I see her think then ground but quickly try to hide it.

"Thanks honey but I'm to busy maybe some other day" she says with a calm voice as she Sat down to work on her laptop.

" ok if you say so I'll see you later then bye" I wave good bye to my mom leaving.

Entering Kyle's house I smile at the maid who was cleaning waiting for her to notice me just so she wouldn't think I was an intruder.

Looks like that idea went out the window because as she turn around with a dish in her hand it flew out as she gave a panic scream.

"Shiz who are you?" She questioned shocked and alert, smiling awkwardly I gave her a dubbed look seeing if by any chance I should remember her.

"Oh it's you" she says breathing out in relief'"You look different miss.melody" she says over looking me.

"Ugh you probably don't know it but I lost a lot of my memory in a car crash" I say as if it was the most normal thing in the planet.

"Oh I'm sorry I knew you were hurt but, the Stones don't really talk much to us workers" she says concern "All but dear Kyle and his cousin Ellery" she says with a small smile.

Smiling softly at how kind Kyle was gave me a joy."Oh I'm just saying because I don't want to offend you for not remembering you" I say in an awkward tone.

"Its okay honey, I'm Olivia I've been working here since before Kyle was born" smiling at her I shook her hand gently before picking up the place that fell.

"I came to take care of Kyle and bring him these cookies" I say referring to the container in my hands.

"Oh how lovely I'm sure Kyle will be happy to have you take care of him" Olivia says with a smile making her way to the fridge grabbing some milk. Pouring it in the glass cup she began to walk over to me.

"I'm glad your back you know Kyle has always had feelings for you he my have never noticed but his nana sure has and he's been a mess since you gotten hurt" she says shocking me.

"I doubt it, I mean" I start in shocked confused "Wasn't he going to marry Nicole I believe" I add not sure.

"Never cared for that girl" Olivia mumbles frustrated" Never treated Kyle right always complaining always wanting him to buy her more and more plus Kyle was always just a puppet listening craving the approval of his parents" she says sadly.

"Give him a chance he really did like you I think you liked him to, if not just be around him my dear Kyle really misses you" she says kindly like a mother would speak of a child.

Smiling I nod not even saying I had a boyfriend but in all honesty it was certain me and Kade would last forever. I hadn't even received an I missed and loved you from him.

As for Kyle he's odd he has yet to show any interest in me so maybe to my luck his feelings for me were in the distance.

"I dislike these stairs" Olivia says tiered as we get to the third floor. Smiling I nodded feeling tiered as well but we continue till we got to the end of the hall.

Walking in Kyle's room we see he's just slightly drugged from all the medication he was given as well at the edge of falling asleep as he watched a cartoon show that is till he noticed us.

"Hey Melody" he smiles brightly, smiling back I walk over to his bed. Oliva hands him the glass of milk before messing his hair up.

"I'll check up on you later, Melody if anything's wrong you can call me ok" nodding at Olivia I then turn to Kyle who was starting at me.

"My mom made you some cookies" I say with a wide smile as I began to unwrap the plate.

"Awe that's s nice tell her thank you and thank you Melody for coming to give them to me" he smiles going in to grab a cookie.

"Im actually here to nurse you back to health" I say with a big toothy smile then smirk when I see he was a little unsure if he should be happy or scared.

"Ok but before you nd up killing me I'm deathly allergic to fish and shellfish " he says as if I could cook selfish laughing I nod.

"As a kid you nurse me back to health and just when I was almost ok you made me an instant soup with shrimps" he says terrified "I almost died".

"Stop over exaggerating Kyle it's not like you ever got to you death bed now did you I'm sure you had you epe pen" I assure as I began to pick up the mess that was his room.

"Melody I don't think you understand I'm deathly allergic to fish!" He says louder leading me to roll my eyes but laugh. "And why are you picking that up?"

"The first step in recovery is having a clean and beautiful place to look forward to living in" I say excited and repeating my mom's words. Going to open the windows I smile seeing how close our rooms were but don't say nothing as I realized I had a small vision of a past memory.

I love you Kyle why can't you love me

Melody your drunk please let one of my friends take you home

No I want you too

Look here's Bennett let him take you.

In shocked at how that memory came in and left was horrifying, turning to face Kyle I smile knowing I shouldn't tell anyone about this especially him because it might just be a big misunderstanding and I liked Kyle to the point I didn't want to lose him and fight about something stupid.

"These cookies are really good" Kyle says with his face stuffed with cookies "Come eat some with me ny perfect Melody" he says gesturing to the right side of his bed that was empty.

"You sould be proud I don't want to be a nurse because surly would get everyone sicker" I say as I grab a cookie laughing Kyle hit me lightly on the head before drinking from his milk.

"I doubt that Melody"

"Yet you were causing me for your near death" I tease.


Longest chapter ever right lol no

But ever since wattpad put the word count I made it a goal to go up to 1000 words or higher.

Any way next update next Friday early one

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And if I so much as forget

Spammmmmmm meeeeee
With update update update

Ok anyway love you guys thank you for reading.

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