The Laptop

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Dear Kyle you know better than anyone how obsessed I was with MySpace well now I have a Facebook I'm pretty sure I'm the only freshmen that dose. You though you probably will soon have one if I have anything to do with it. I'll probably be stalking you to just make sure no girls flirt with my bestie.

So Kyle this is my e-diary or e-journal I will probably still use this more than any other website but still, so Kyle I can honestly say that I hope you never see this. Like never you hear me? Never

This is a way to stop liking you and, stops you from changing me, you see I use to be the nice girl who never talked back but now you changed that. I talk when I want and do what I want; you also brought me to think I needed to learn how to control my stomach with alcohol just to be friends with you since you've gotten so popular. Which I'm sure is true as you tried so hard to get me to try it ounce I turn fourteen, you my dear friend are seventeen and on your way to college as for me I'm just starting.

You seem to have change me because if not I would surely ruin your street creed right? See I'm smart that's the only thing you haven't changed and I still do care what my dad says as I am terribly scared of him and mom. I'd bet they would have a cow if they ever found out what we have done. Kyle you know better than anyone I am scared but do you care? No it's been long since you stop caring.



Dear Kyle you're an ass, tonight you left me abandon in a party knowing I didn't have a ride and knowing I was too young for these things but did you care? No Kyle you didn't but yet I couldn't help but wonder if you are ok.

I couldn't help but wonder if you're with a girl prettier than me or if you were out doing drugs with someone cool so you didn't want to be seen with me. Tonight I had gotten home late thanks to you and because of that my dad had slapped me calling me some words I can't even thinking let alone type without tearing up. My dad had punched me in the stomach four times after smelling the alcohol but like always they end up asking for forgiveness and begged me to not tell. That's why when school started after New Years I couldn't walk at all at school without moaning out in pain but nobody noticed because like you Kyle you didn't care. I am just here when you need a favor right?

Zayn and Heaven saw it though they also saw what you haven't seen even though we grew up together for years.

They saw my depression and the love for you that was killing me slowly.


Driving around Melody seems angered at the letter in her hands and the poorly done invitation that looked something a three year old had done.

"I could of done better at the age of two" Melody muttered clearly annoyed and angered at the idea of what the invitation held. How dare he? Melody asked herself while looking at it with disgust now more than ever. Sighing she took her phone out ready to call the idiot who had invited her to the abomination called Kyle Stones and Nicole Bevermen wedding.

"Kyle what the fudge is wrong with you" she yells angered into her new phone she had bough today as a treat for passing all her exams.

"What did I do wrong Melody?" Kyle question stupidly into the phone as if not knowing how much he had hurt her. About now Melody was ripping the Invitation into pieces not even glue nor could tape put back together.

"You idiot why the hell are you inviting me to your wedding when you stop talking to me for two years now!" she yelled anger ready to start crying once the conversation was over as she would never let Kyle see how week she was since he left her.

"Melody I'm sorry I just wanted my best frien___"

"Stop, Don't even finish that Kyle!" she screamed now crying probably ruining her makeup "It's been long since both I and you have been friends let alone the best" Melody replied bitterly.

"I'm sorry Melody please forgives me if you don't want to come then don't its ok with me" by now Melody was burning up at what he had just said.

"You think I'm mad about the stupid invitation!" she yelled into the phone "You asshole I been in love with you since I was thirteen maybe even longer! And here you are inviting me to your stupid wedding!" By now poor Melody was crying so badly she couldn't see the road ahead of her or the tuck that was dangerously close to hers.

"I didn't know" was all that Kyle said to Melody which both she and Kyle knew was a lie.

"Don't even like Kyle you always knew I was in love with you!" Melody yelled angry at both Kyle and her for letting things get so far."I love you Kyle" she whispered cried. Before she could hear Kyle say a word the truck ahead crashed with hers pushing her car off the bridge leaving it to roll down the hill to land dangerously close to the water.

As she went down Melody was screaming leaving Kyle shock and both scared and worried on the other side not knowing what was going on at the time.

"Melody" Kyle yelled panic somehow knowing something wrong has happened. "Melody answers me! Melody "he continues to yell for another twenty minutes till the phone line went dead as it fell into the water. Melody was now in her car with her whole body bleeding and drenched with her own blood along with a bit of water, the car was so close to the point where if she moved it would have fell into the ocean. After that event a passing by stander saw what had occurred and called the police in time before poor Melody died.


Hello hello yes new story!!! hehe lol anyway please give fee back I'm not sure about this story you we think so I'd appreciate it :)

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