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*Nishant's pov*

Am I ready for this? This is the first time I am taking this decision. Am I doing the right thing? I have always been so focused on my dance and my passion. I have struggled, cried, got broken multiple times and I stood up each time but it's sad that i still don't get to achieve all of my dreams yet. Maybe it's because of me self sabotaging myself from trying other opportunities. It was few days back that my manager proposed this idea to me. He thinks I should join this new reality show. Yes, they've contacted me earlier and I was in a dilemma but I guess it's time for me to finally open myself up. Reality shows are all about exposing your inner personalities out. If I want people to know me, I should give myself a platform for them to hear me out, see me, my lifestyle, get to know me as a human being. Who knows, this might actually be my first step towards my goals. This might actually give me things I am currently lacking in my life and make my problems a little less.

*Manager enters*

Manager- Sir, you have to be present at the premiere by 6. Let's see if you've forgotten to keep anything with you, then I will head towards the car for you.

Nish- Yes, I'm ready for this!

*Pratik's pov*

In my lifetime, I've attended so many TV reality shows, then why am I still so nervous about this one? All I can think, is that this trophy matters for me, a lot. Also, the host of the show is my all time favourite. Imagine if I could actually be the one standing beside him, while lifting up that trophy! No, the price doesn't matter to me, the trophy does. The position does. I want people to recognise me for who I am. I want to be an inspiration for all the fitness freaks out there. But this platform is no joke, maybe that's why I feel so anxious.

*Pratik's sister enters*

Sister- Hey, who are you rambling to over there? Don't wanna be late for the premiere, do you? Let's hurry up.


*Everybody appears in the premiere. The guests, the host, the celebrities, the contestant and their supporters.*

Author- Sorry for the interruption but before we proceed, I wanna give a little information about the kind of reality show this is. For the ones who are not aware of "Bigg Boss", this reality show deals with survival in a house full of celebrities for a period of 3 months or more. The last one to survive, wins. With that being said, let's continue. ;)


*Nishant's pov*

There are so many big celebrities around me. I feel so nervous. I am just growing but look at all of them. Their aura is lighting up the whole room. I was wondering around here and there, admiring this day. The premiere was yet to take place so I was in the back stage, in my green room, doing my makeup. Looking through the items I realised I forgot one of my essentials. Must have left it in my car.

*Meanwhile staff*

Staff- Please take your place we are about to call you onstage for your introduction.

Nishant- uh- okay I'll be right back, in a flash.

I was rushing towards my car because I did not want to be late. I was in such a hurry that I didn't notice someone coming from the other side and we hit each other down, real hard.

Person- Owh- are you blind? How come you not see me coming from the other side? You hit me so hard, it hurts.

Nish- I'm sorr-

Person- I don't care, its because of you that I am late now. Get out of my way!

Before I could say anything else, that person left. I couldn't even see the face properly. Did he really have to be that rude? Why was he in such a hurry? Is he one of the staffs?

I was thinking these until I realised I am supposed to be present back stage. They will call my name any moment now. I got up, took the essential and rushed back.

Host- Welcome everyone to the yet another season of BB with new celebrities, unique themes and interesting twists and turns. I would like to introduce our very special guests on stage to celebrate our premiere so please tune in and don't miss this, because it's D-DAY!

PraNish- A tale of selfless love and affection.Where stories live. Discover now