The 3rd Wheel

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*Situations come, people meet, some stay, some disperse and the only thing that stays are the moments created in between. The story of these two people who met suddenly only to become an important part in each others lives were accelerating quite well until one day a third person entered...*

*one fine day. The house members were chilling and BB let's out an announcement.*

BB- This is to inform that a wild card is about to enter in this house. They will equally compete with everyone of you and will be eligible for the trophy.

*Akasa enters*

*Nishant's pov*

I see a beautiful girl enter through the gates. She is supposed to be a singer and is well behaved, friendly and has a smile on her face, always. She greets everyone kindly. I wonder what it would be to be with her in the game. Only time will tell.

pratik- Hey, Nishant, what do you think of her?

Nishant- Idk, she seems fine?

Pratik- She's beautiful tho.

Nishant, looking back in an irritated look- Whatever, idc.

*Nishant leaves*

*Most of the house members were chilling in the dining room along with Akasa*

*Akasa, searching for someone*

Teja, noticing it- Hey, what's wrong? Who are you searching for?

Akasa- Nobody special, just that-

*Pratik passing by*

Akasa- Pratik, why don't you come sit with us? Let's have a talk.

Pratik- Sure, why not.

Akasa- I have heard a lot about you from outside. People really love you a lot.

Pratik- Really? I am glad.

Akasa- So what do you like, in general?

Teja, interrupting- Guys, i'll go look for Karan. Haven't seen in a while. Y'all talk.

*Teja leaves*

*just then, Nishant passes by, seeing Pratik and Akasa talking with each other, gets frustrated and leaves.*

*Nishant's pov*

I was about to do my laundry when I saw that new wild card and Pratik, sitting together, having the time of their life. I knew I didn't like that girl from the beginning. Doesn't she have anybody else to go to? Is this why he hasn't looked out for me since morning? Fine, i'll go find somebody too.

*In the afternoon, Pratik comes finding for Nishant, only to see him talking to Teja and Karan in the corner.*

Pratik- Nishant, come let's go.

Nishant- Why? You're done talking?

Pratik- Done talking to whom?

Nishant- That new girl.

Pratik- She has a name.

Nishant- Then go call her by her name. I am not interested.

Pratik- What's wrong with you? Fine, I will go.

*Pratik walks away*

Karan- What's wrong? You both are fighting?

Nishant- It's nothing.

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