The Truth

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*Shamita has been listening to all of this for a very long time. Things were starting to make sense, yet some remained a mystery. She knew Nishant was the only one who was capable of helping her join the dots so she decided to approach him.*

*Pratik and Nishant was still sitting near the pool.*

Shamita- Nishant, can I have a moment with you?

Nishant, turning back- Yeah, sure. Just give me a minute.

Shamita- I'm heading inside, be there fast.

*Nishant was not uncertain about the visible seriousness in Shamita's tone. He knew something was up with her but he wondered what it was. He was as excited as nervous thinking about all the possibilities of her conversation but it was none of what he had expected or thought of-*

Nishant- Yeah, what is it?

Shamita- [sharp inhale] Listen, don't get me wrong but- I've something to ask you so, will you answer honestly?

Nishant- Yeah, ask whatever.

Shamita- Do you- [sharp pause] [Nishant's eyes go eager in excitement!]

Shamita- Do you like Pratik?

*Nishant's eyes go wide as he decipher the question. He tries to laugh it off instead but his visible nervousness proves it all.*

Shamita- Before you deny it off, let me tell you why I feel so.

Nishant- Why?

Shamita- You both literally spend all the time together. You both are the hot talk of the house. Everybody finds you both cute and what not. Apart from all these, I too have noticed your change in behavior when Devoleena and Pratik were close.

*Nishant doesn't deny. He doesn't agree. He just looks down. Looks like he is trying to find an answer for himself aswell. Shamita understands and puts a hand around his shoulder.*

*Nishant looking down*

Shamita- I've known you for long now. We literally live together, wake up together and see each other everyday. Did you really think I wouldn't know? That fight, before the Christmas, it was because you were jealous of Devo, wasn't it?

Nishant- I am straight Shamita- I think you might be mistaken.

Shamita- Do you feel you're lying to yourself when you're saying this to me?

Nishant [still looking down with a confused face] - We are close friends. Often when a foreigner comes in between two best friends, one gets jealous. Isn't it normal?

*Shamita nods her head*

Nishant [frustrated] - I really don't understand what's abnormal in this!

Shamita [Holding his chin and fixing it towards herself. It catches Nishant off guard.] -
So you're telling me, if he holds you like this, you wouldn't flinch? You're telling me, the way you look at him, its same for everyone? You're telling me, the way you care for him, the way you get jealous over a girl for him, the way you get possessive for him, it's normal! It's just a brotherly feeling?

Nishant [getting up aggressively] - You don't know me enough to say that Shamita! I'm a straight guy and I have always had girlfriends. He's younger than me so I treat him like my brother! Is that a problem to you?

PraNish- A tale of selfless love and affection.Where stories live. Discover now