From strangers to Friends

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*Days passed after that. Nishant was busy making friends and Pratik was busy focusing on his game. Looking at how different their personalities are, one could have never imagined what happened after*

*Nishant's pov*

Here, my days have been passing by really fine. I have made friends with whom I have fun, have dance, have crazy moments. We wake up everyday, do tasks, cook, clean, and then retire again. It's almost like a monotonous cycle. But sometimes I do feel I need someone with whom I can connect emotionally. There are people with whom I can talk but none of them touches my heart. Maybe that's how it is inside this house.

*Thinking these, Nishant bumps into Pratik and looks up at him. Pratik smiles at him and then leaves.*

Others sitting there- Isn't Pratik a little weird? He doesn't interact with people much. Its the first week running and he doesn't seem to care about anybody.

*Soon the house members are assigned a task where a huge fight breaks up between Pratik and another member. It seems like he abused Pratik's mom, which turns him mad and he starts destroying everything.*

*Pratik's pov*

Everything seems to be falling apart. People here are unbearable at times. I felt like I could handle everything then why does it feel like a bad decision to me? My mother must be so ashamed of me right now. My sister must be mad at me. But I did not do it intentionally, I did it because I love my mom way too much but guess me being physical wasn't a good idea. I wish I could talk to somebody bu-

*Nishant walks in*

Nish- Hey, what are you thinking about? Don't overthink about those things, it is over-

*And before Nishant could say any further, Pratik grabs him and pulls him closer to him. He tugs his head in his shoulder and tears fall off his cheeks*

 He tugs his head in his shoulder and tears fall off his cheeks*

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Nish- Hey, wh-

Pratik- Shhhh- can I please stay like this a little longer?

Nish- Yes you can.

Pratik- Do you know? I feel really lonely here. I feel like there's nobody who understands me, who can show me the right or wrong.

Nish- You have Me.

*Pratik looks up to him.*

Nish- Even if your shadow leaves you someday, I will stay with you. Even if you don't understand yourself one day, I will understand you. I will guide you through the right path, always.

*Pratik smiled at him. Nishant smiled back. The tears on his cheeks were nomore visible. A Ray of hope twinkled in his eyes, as if somebody pulled him through the dark. None of them said much for sometime and then retired for the day*

PraNish- A tale of selfless love and affection.Where stories live. Discover now