The end is near

376 19 16

*Nishant's pov*

Things feel so magical with him. Every day is like a new chapter of my life. The only thing that worries me is my overthinking. I tend to worry of the unforseen, sometimes even more than the present. I feel all of these good moments, will soon end and I will have to go back to being alone.

*Pratik's pov*

Although I told Nishant that I wanna try to get to know each other, I myself am not too sure of it. My worry doesn't really stick to him being a man or me questioning my sexuality, it transcends that to something more. I am worried because its new. On one hand there's a potential relationship that can actually work out in between us, a potential love interest. But on the other, there's a pessimism that might make me lose him forever. What if it doesn't really work out? He is one of the best person I have ever met. Am I ready to lose him?

Author- Sometimes, when passion takes cotrol, the consciousness goes invisible to the human mind. That's exactly what was happening to the both of them. They were judging each other about what happened last night. Was there really a spark? Or just an infatuation of the moment?

*Nishant looked quite happy and enthusiastic since the next morning. He seemed content. On the other hand, Pratik was quite unsure about his actions. He seemed confused and ignorant.*

*Pratik realises it was time to talk it out. He calls Nishant.*

Nishant- [smiling at him] Good Morning Pratik.

Pratik- [in a serious tone] Nishant, we need to talk.

*Nishant's face turns pale. Is this really happening? What he was afraid of, it this the time?*

Pratik- I-I- know that, I told you yesterday that- I want to- uk- I- you- me- it's-

Nishant- [In a serious yet soft tone] You're unsure, right?

*Pratik looks up. What he has been trying to say, was so easily understood by Nishant. He had nothing more to say and stood there in silence with his eyes down. He dare not look at Nishant's eyes.*

Nishant [calmly]- It's okay...I guess- I wouldn't have asked you to take responsibility of your actions anyway.

Pratik [shook]- Why are you not angry with me Nishant? I am such a coward to back off like this-

Nishant- Yes you're and you already know it. Pratik, you're quite younger to me, I really don't know how to deal with this.

Pratik- You really would let it pass? So easily? Didn't you feel anything for me?

Nishant- That doesn't matter anymore. But, can I ask what makes you back off?

Pratik- It's all new to me Nishant. We have been living in this house for almost 6 months. I don't even know what I really feel for you. I don't even know if I really meant what I did yesterday. Then how can I possibly take responsibility of actions that I myself am not quite sure of? Sometimes passions do overpower our capability to think logically, so-

Nishant- So, you don't know if what you did last night was because of lust or love, right?

Pratik- Yes.

PraNish- A tale of selfless love and affection.Where stories live. Discover now