The Decision

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*Nishant's pov*

A couple of weeks passed by. Equations are changing. Game dynamics are getting confusing. At times, I feel I am so lonely but then I look at him, that idiot. Yes, he makes me forget everything else. We are distant yet so close. There is an invisible bond that ties us together. I won't lie I have other friends of mine that I have known for years. I have my friend Karan and Jay who I have known for 8 years and more. There are others too. But I just met this guy couple of weeks ago. How come he makes me want to be with him? By being with him, I mean fighting for him, standing up for him, supporting him. People here corners him a lot. Not gonna lie some of my friends even tries to manipulate and control him aswell. I don't want to fight against them but my chest feels so heavy when he is sad. That day, when he cried-
I still cannot forget it.
He cried but I felt it.


*BB announcement*

BB- Many people have been breaking the house rules and you all have been taking those for granted. So it's high time now. You all must be punished.

Firstly, the house members have to stay in Jungle along with the other jungle members. House will be locked until my further notice.

*Pratik's pov*

We were asked by BB to move outside the house for breaking our rules. I wasn't really feeling anything. I just looked at Nishant and said- I'm gonna miss staying in here. Outside in the jungle, there would be obstacles, food shortage and so many other things but if we are together, we will get through this together.
We came out of the house, Nishant locked it (since he was the captain that week) and we stood by the glasses admiring the view inside.

 We came out of the house, Nishant locked it (since he was the captain that week) and we stood by the glasses admiring the view inside

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BB- Secondly, all the members will have to choose two members who have the least participation in this game. Those two will be eliminated.

*After sometime, two players are chosen and they are eliminated immediately*

BB- Lastly, the captain, that is, Nishant has to choose 8 members for nomination. Those 8 people will be put into the nominations for elimination this week directly.

*Nishant's pov*

It was a tough call for me. Choosing 8 members at this point will immediately turn them my enemies. I didn't want to keep any enemies but guess I don't have a choice. I have many friends here but I cannot save all. I have to choose wisely.

BB- Nishant, what's your decision?

Nishant- My names are-
Shamita, Ieshan, Umar, Miesha, Karan, Jay, ***,***.

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