You're My Weakness

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*Nishant's pov*

No, I cannot stay in peace. My mind is clogged with so many thoughts right now. I feel guilty for what I did and I must tell Pratik. Only that way will I be able to lessen the burden from my chest.
But where is he?

*Pratik was sitting with Shamita in the garden, sipping his morning tea. Nishant approaches him and Pratik gets up to find a place to talk.*

Nishant- Good Morning.

Pratik- Good Morning.

Nishant- You don't look that good, do you?

Pratik- What do you mean, I literally look like this everyday!

Nishant- No but, you look-

Pratik- Nishant, what is in your mind?

*Nishant looks down, he doesn't know where to start from.*

Nishant- How do you feel about Akasa getting eliminated?

Pratik- She was my friend, I miss her. Of course I didn't like the fact that she had to go this early.

*Pratik notices the visible struggle on Nishant's face. It's as if he is trying to figure out the right words to say.*

Pratik- Do you expect me to say something else?

Nishant- Uh- no, it's just-

*Pratik tries to understand him so he brings his head closer to him, trying to decipher his expressions.*

Nishant- uh- hey, what are you doing?

Pratik- Will you tell me or not? If you don't i'll tie your hands down and won't untie until you tell me.

*Nishant could feel the tension. He starts panicking.*

Nishant- Okay fine, I'm telling you. You don't have to do that!

Pratik- So what is it?

Nishant- How do you feel about Akasa?

*Pratik was caught off guarded by Nishant's question. It's as if he didn't expect it coming. Nishant turns his face away in embarrassment.*

Pratik- Why do you ask?

Nishant- Do you like her?

Pratik- As a friend, yes. Romantically, no.

Nishant- You do know that she liked you right?

Pratik- I could understand.

Nishant- I asked you if you like her or not because...I was one of the people who nominated her.

*Nishant was ready for the worst but to his surprise, Pratik was silent. He was looking down and just slightly nodded his head.*

Nishant- Wouldn't you ask me why? Aren't you angry?

Pratik- Why should I Nishant? The fact that you considered it important enough to discuss it with me is sufficient enough.

Nishant- Of course I would, Pratik. She was important to you and i nominated her! I feel guilty-

Pratik- And you think you're not?

*That made Nishant awestruck. He was surprised.*

Pratik- I would never question what you do because it's your game. We can go against each other if one day we have to, but that doesn't deny the fact that you will always be important to me. Close to my heart.

Pratik- And you're not the only person for whom Akasa went home

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Pratik- And you're not the only person for whom Akasa went home. You were one of them so stop feeling guilty about it. Also, how did you think that I would prioritise anybody over you Nishant?

*Nishant was too dumbstruck to even say anything. For the very first time, he himself didn't know the reason for his reaction.*

Nishant- Are you angry with me?

Pratik- No, why should I be?

Nishant- For misunderstanding you. I- I have never had friends who would actually go to the moon and back. I have never trusted people enough but-

Pratik- But what?

Nishant- But when I look at you, nah Pratik, I want to trust you. When I look at you, I want to believe in friendships again. Therefore, I am sorry, I am sorry if I let you down, today or tomorrow- its because I do not know how to react to it.

*and before Nishant could bring anymore words out from his mouth, Pratik brings his hand closer to Nishant's and lifts his hands up and holds it firmly.*

Pratik- Nishant, I don't know where I stand for you here, but for me, you're everything right now! And I mean it. I don't know what exactly do you expect to hear from me but-

Nishant- You want to know where you stand for me, isn't it! Pratik, I don't exactly know myself how or what but- I just know for a fact that if, in this house, I have a soft spot for somebody, it's You. You're my weakness Pratik, and you're also my strength. I might go around talking to everybody but you're the only one I can connect with in a spiritual level. I know it sounds crazy but my relationships with others are platonic, but yours is different. This is a scary feeling for me Pratik because it's a game show. I do not want to get weak. I do not want to get emotional.

Pratik- I understand you. Nishant, let's promise each other that the game will never be a reason of a rift between our friendship. No matter if we play against each other tomorrow, let's keep our friendship and game separate. I would never question you about your stands and fights and you won't question mine.

Nishant- I promise you.

Pratik- I promise you as well.

*Both of them shakes hands in agreement and looks up at the drowning sun. It was almost evening.*

Writer- That's it for this chapter. I know it's a short one so i'll try to make the next one comparatively longer. Sorry again if I make you wait longer for each chapters. I prefer quality over quantity and wanna write the best one for you. <3

I hope you like this and if you did, then don't forget to vote for this chapter, add this story to your library, comment your feedback and if you wanna be mutuals with me, my social media handles are mentioned in my profile so go follow it right now! Buh-bye for now. Take care everybody. XOXO. ^_^.

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