Money Task

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*BB announces a task where people have to print money in pairs and the most prominent money will be approved and that pair will be given access to the main house but on the cost of some amount that will be reduced from their prize money.*

*Everything was going on fine in the task until Pratik's partner started revolting against him. He said he does not want the prize money to be wasted and hence will not go in. A huge fight breaks in.*

Pratik- What is your problem? Why won't you let me in?

Jay- I don't want the money to be wasted. If you go in, I have to go aswell so I can't let you go.

Pratik- But if we stay outside, we will be nominated and if we go home then will it even be worth it to do this? The trophy is much more important than the money.

*But Jay was in no zone to listen to anybody. He prevented Pratik from playing*

Nishant- Listen guys, since I am the one incharge of the decision making of this game, let me tell you, I will not let anybody else's turn arrive until Pratik's gets over.

Ieshan- But Jay is not letting him play, if you don't allow us to go instead, it will take forever.

Nishant- I don't care. I already told you that I want everybody to get a fair chance in this gameplay. So if you have any problems, prevent Jay from stopping Pratik.

*Another chaos takes place and eventually it leads to destruction of properties, snatching and stealing of items and many more.*

*Day 1 of the Money task ends*

*In the midnight, Nishant and Pratik were sitting outside in the garden area, talking about the game.*

Nishant- Listen, Pratik. Jay won't let you play or go inside so print the money right now or steal or do anything but just give me notes tomorrow, even if it's torn. I will be the one to judge it anyway.

Pratik- I don't want you to play unfair Nishant. It's okay if he doesn't let me play. I must go inside by my own capacity.

Nishant- But you might be nominated this week. I cannot take that risk!

Pratik- Nishant, I don't want people to call you unfair. Please don't. If I deserve to go inside, I will.

Nishant- Of course you deserve to go in, what are you saying. Pratik, just let me do it my way, this one time.

Pratik- Please don't. I want you to be fair.

*Nishant's pov*

I just cannot sleep. Things keep revolving in my mind. I feel so helpless that I cannot do anything for him. The only thing he wants to do is play. He doesn't care about winning or losing, he just wants to play but Jay is not letting him. I can't even do what I want to because he wants me to be fair. But I can't see him like this...

*The next day*

*Second day of the task begins, people start printing but Jay doesn't let Pratik do his work. Inspite of Nishant trying his best, Jay could not be stopped. Pratik was still fighting and roaring, he would not give up. Until something happened-*

*Karan was printing his money when Jay starts to snatch it and then Karan starts destroying Pratik's and a fight starts between the two of them which leads to Karan throwing Pratik on hard ground*

*Huge chaos takes place, including fights and quarrels.*

*Pratik's pov*

I tried my level best. I don't care about winning or losing but Jay didn't let me try and Karan- he used to be my mentor and he did this to me? How could I react to him? When I stood up I realised he is not the same person I used to know anymore-

Meanwhile, someone - Hey, is Nishant crying? Why is he crying?

Pratik- he is crying?

*Pratik rushes towards the kitchen to see Nishant crying while cooking.*

Someone- Hey, Nishant, why are you crying?

Vishal- Because of Pratik, obviously. He is hurt because of what happened. It wasn't fair, really.

Pratik- Nishant, what's wrong, tell me!

Nishant- Pratik please leave me alone right now!

Pratik- No tell me please.

Nishant- I want to go home.

Pratik- Wha- hey- come here!

*Pratik wipes the tears off from Nishant's face and hugs him tightly. He was still trying to process everything.*

Pratik- Are you mad? Why would you say that?

Nishant- I feel helpless Pratik. I don't want to stay here, everyone is so toxic, what is this hatred!

Pratik- and what about me, huh? If you go back, what will I do?


*That night*

Karan- why were you crying?

Nishant- You know what Karan, I am tired of this shit. I am tired of this hatred. Y'all find hundred reasons to hate someone, bully someone, corner or target someone, but I find hundred reasons in that same person which tells me he should be protected. It gives me reasons to support and go against all odds to make him win because he deserves it. Y'all make him a hero, y'all make him a villain. Y'all give him importance, Y'all hurt him. There's no take of me in this. It's you people.

Karan- So Pratik is your weakness now?

Nishant- No, but I can see who is worth it and who is not.

*Pratik's pov*

Sleep was not even an option anymore. Things crossed my mind. I feel so weak. Everything seems so forced and fake. Everyone here is so toxic it almost makes no difference with the outer world. Atleast in outer world I can ignore them, here I can't. That person, whom I used to think of as my mentor, is here doing these things to me which makes me hate him even more. Everyone here is so fake, so staged, everyone- except one. I was so scared to see Nishant so emotional. He isn't a guy that gets emotional or cry much but today must have been really hard for him aswell. I was scared because I did not want him to go back home. I cannot even imagine myself without him here anymore. But I don't know why, it was as if, he cried on behalf of me. The tears which were engraved deep inside my heard, were poured out by him today.

*Nishant's pov*

Truth is, I cannot see Pratik like this. I can see myself getting hurt, I can see others, anybody else, but him- it pains a lot. That pain was unbearable for me, so I couldn't control my tears today. I would rather not see him like this and go out than see him struggle and strive every moment. I see people bullying him, targeting him everyday and he always fights back. It's painful to watch for me. What should I do? Why can't I numb this pain that's deep inside of me?

*This Money Task ended up proving a lot of things for both of them. For Nishant, it made him emotional and he finally understood who is worth his tears and who is not. For Pratik, he understood the value of friendship, gave him strength to move on and both of their bonds took a stronger turn. They started feeling for themselves even more and their understanding was more intact.*

Author- To see how their bond enhances and what more challenges they are put to witness, don't forget to vote for this story as it will give me motivation to continue and please share it if you can ^_^ <3. Thank you. Feedbacks are appreciated!

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