(Love) Triangle? (Part-2)

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*In the garden area*

Rakhi- Devo, tell me something.

Devo- What?

Rakhi- Why do you blindly support Pratik so much? Do you like him?

Devo- Nooooo- Why do you think that?

Rakhi- See, I am not blind. I can understand things. The way you look at him and blindly support him-

Devo- I just like his game Rakhi. When I was about to enter this house, I was quite active on social media and I liked Pratik's game the most. But when I came inside, I started liking Nishant as a person. He always takes care of me it's like I can go to him for comfort.

Rakhi- So do you like Nishant?

Devo- It's not that, I don't know Rakhi. I like Nishant a lot these days but- I don't know.

*On the other side of the garden area*

Pratik- Bro, I want to ask you something.

Nishant, frustrated- Don't tell me it's about Devo again! You've been asking me about her for the last ten minutes. I'm done talking about her man. Why do you keep bringing her in?

Pratik- I just want a clarification brooo-

Nishant- What clarification Pratik! I got work to do please don't irritate me now.

Pratik- Arey, but listen-

*Nishant goes away*

*Pratik's pov*

Nishant isn't ready to talk about her at all! Can this mean something? Is he shy? Is he into her? Is he trying to keep it all inside his head and not tell me? I have to find out.

Author- Pratik was almost convinced that Devoleena was into Nishant. Devoleena too was confused if she really likes Nishant but then things take a turn and that night, a huge fight takes place between Devo and Nishant in which both of them says mean things to each other, resulting in a huge rift between the two. Devo was crying because she was seriously hurt by Nishant so Pratik gave her a hand of comfort.

*Nishant & Shamita were sitting in the living room*

Shamita- Nishant you need to calm down.

Nishant- You know, right Shamita that it was all a misunderstanding?

Shamita- Of course I know Nishu.

Nishant- It was all Teja's fault she created this misunderstanding and tried to create a rift between Devo and me in which she succeeded.

Shamita- What Teja did wasn't right at all. That's exactly what I was trying to make her understand but she doesn't try understanding at all! Even Karan is fed up of it.

Nishant- It's so frustrating when people talk to me with that arrogance. She could've just come and talked it out with me nicely without creating this scene in front of everyone.

Shamita- That's true. But are you affected by her? She was your good friend right?

Nishant- She has never been my friend. I don't make friends that easily. She literally came 2 weeks ago Shamita how are we friends? I am least bothered about her. I have my priorities here and she is not one of them. We just talked and stuff.

PraNish- A tale of selfless love and affection.Where stories live. Discover now