The Uninvited Guests

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*one fine day, Nishant was chilling in the morning, dancing to his morning song, sipping his morning cup of tea when BB announced something.*

BB- Now its time for all of you to get ready for the biggest surprise which might leave you in surprise.

Teja- Omg what's it gonna be?

Karan- I think we'd be having more wildcards.

Shamita- Omg who is it gonna be this time?

BB- Please welcome three new wildcards in the house-

Teja- Wait, three? THREE people?

Nishant- *Holy Lord I do not like the sound of it.*

Pratik, excited- Nishant who do you think it's gonna be?

Nishant, irritated- Ugh, how am I supposed to know? Let's see!

BB- Please welcome- Rashmi Desai, Rakhi Sawant and Devoleena Bhattacharjee.

*Huge chaos forms in the house. The entry of the wildcards leave everyone busy.*

Teja- Weren't they all ex contestants of the previous seasons of BB?

Shamita- Omg, yes. Especially Devoleena, she's coming thrice this season.

*Background music is heard while BB gives a massive welcome to these new wildcards. They dance themselves throught the entrance and the housemates eagerly greets them.*

*Nishant somehow looks disinterested so he turns back and sits near one of the trees.*

*After a while, all the wildcards settle down. Some of the House Members rushes inside to make tea for them and other ones goes individually, talking about how things are outside.*

*Pratik noticed Nishant sitting alone and went to him.*

Pratik- What happened, bro?

Nishant- Nothing I'm just-

*Rashmi appears*

Rashmi- Hey, Nishu. You didn't even greet me, I'm sad.

Nishant- Hey, come on. You know it's nothing like that. It was too crowded so I was just waiting for everyone to settle down. Anyways, how are you?

Rashmi- I'm good. How are you Pratik? I've heard a lot about you outside.

Pratik- Really? How is it going outside? Are people appreciating us?

Nishant- Actually I too want to ask the same question. Are we doing good?

Rashmi- Well, since you asked, let me tell you- you both are doing very well- but...

Pratik- But?

Rashmi- But I feel you both would do amazing individually.

*This word, somehow brings an unsatisfactory look on both of their faces.*

Rashmi- Especially Nishu, what has happened to you? I remember you used to always say how you would ace a reality show like this if given a chance. But for me, now you are just looking like someone who is here to play for Pratik and not for yourself.

*Nishant did not know how to answer this. He was just silent.*

Pratik- But Rashmi it's not like that at all, he-

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