The Second encounter

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*Nishant's pov*

I stepped inside the BB house for the first time. After I was introduced, I picked up my things and came in. Ah, this will be my home for the next three months. How will I manage all these days without my loved ones? Will I miss my family? My friends? My co workers? Guess I will figure it out sooner or later. I was thinking all these things when I noticed that same boy that I met few  moments ago. What is he doing inside this house? Are staffs allowed in here? My eyes met his but as soon as I could ask him, he turned his head and walked off. Wow, he really had to be so rude! Nevermind, not like I gotta meet him after this.

Shamita- Hey, nice to meet you. I am Shamita, and you must be Nishant? The famous choreographer! I have heard a lot about you. Can't believe we will be staying here together for months.

Nish- Hey, I am glad to meet you too. Can you tour me through this place? I feel kinda lost.

Shamita- Yeah, sure. Also, hurry up and choose your bed before somebody else arrives.

*I again noticed that boy, standing aimlessly around the garden. What is he up to?*

Shamita- Hey, what's up? You look so confused. Is anything bothering you?

Nish- Ah, tell me something. Are staffs allowed in here?

Shamita- Staffs? No? Why would they? Only contestants are allowed in here. Why tho? Did you see someone?

Nish- To be honest, I see a staff member there, following us from the garden. He seems sus. What do you think?

*Suddenly that person walks towards us, curiously looking at me*

Person- Hey, Shamita! What is this guy doing with you here?

Nish- Exactly my question! Shamita this is the guy I was talking about. Why are members from staff here? Are they allowed?

Shamita- Uh- there happens to be some misunderstanding it seems. Nish, he is Pratik. Pratik Sehajpal. He is one of the contestants, not a staff member. You know what, I'll go over there welcome the other contestants entering the house, y'all should sort this out cause we will be living here, together for a long time.

*At that moment, I was so ashamed of myself. At first, I pushed him, then misunderstood him as the staff and also made a fool of myself in front of other house mates. What would be his first impression on me!*

*Pratik's pov*

My first day in this house seems to be very interesting. Especially this guy right here, he was the one I met first at the backstage. Never imagined he was one of the contestants I would have to live with. I must say this guy is very chaotic, but in a good way. He seems to be someone who might really be fun to be with but I don't know exactly how to react. Our first encounter wasn't pleasing. Our second one wasn't either. Maybe I should keep my distance with him for now. We are complete opposites and even though he might be fun, it might bring trouble for me in future. Guess I would have to look for others.*

Nish- Hey, erm- well

*Other contestants enters*

Pratik- Eh- it's better if we go and welcome them right now. This can wait.

*Few hours later*

*Nishant's pov*

This house is so amazing. Cannot believe I am finally in BB's house. All the contestants have settled down and to be honest, they all seem so fun to be with, atleast for now. I have conversed with every contestant, except one. Yes, I am talking about him. I haven't seen him talking with others here in the living room too. Where could he possibly be?

My eyes wandered around here and there until it fixed over the pool. He was aimlessly sitting there, as if he didn't want to know anybody. As if there were lots of things going on in his mind. I think I should go over to him and also clear our misunderstandings. This seem to be a good chance to talk.

Nish- Hey, Pratik. Can we talk?

Pratik- *lifting his head up* ah, sure.

*Nish, sitting down near Pratik*

Nish-  I saw you aimlessly sitting over here. What are you thinking about so deeply? Don't you wanna meet others?

Pratik- Its not like I don't want to. But all these people are here for the game. I am here for the game aswell. That is why I don't want to build unreal relationships for strengthening my game. All those people talking politely, having fun, will be at each others nerves tomorrow morning. It has always been like that.

Nish- Isn't it normal? It's a game we cannot expect people here to behave like how they would normally do outside. But atleast we can talk, have fun while we still have the moment. Don't you want to make any friends here?

Pratik- I only make bonds that are real. I am an introvert. I can survive alone. I find peace in silence. I am as real here as I am outside. There's no pretention from my side. But if someday, I meet someone who is worth it, maybe I will be friends with them.

*Nishant's pov*

At that moment, I felt pain and hope at the same time. Pain because his eyes hid the deepest sufferings that were unheard. Hope because his lighted eyes looked at me, directly at my soul. I was so intrigued by his mysterious personality that I wanted to know more about him. I hoped we could talk more but it was already late so we headed towards our beds.

Nishant- Come, I'll show you the place before we head towards our bedroom.

Pratik- Okay. ^_^

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