Just Friends?

404 19 17

Author- There are few things in life that we cannot control. Life and death are one of those things. But between the duration of life and death, there's something else that is out of our control. Something that gives us a purpose to live. Yes, you guessed it right. Its Love. As the saying goes, "You fall in love in the most unexpected circumstances." Who would've thought that unexpectedly, unconsciously, love would create its way through PraNish's heart?

*Pratik and Shamita sitting in the living room.*

Shamita- The Christmas party was amazing. Did you and Nishu resolved everything?

Pratik- Yes we did. After exchanging gifts, it was all good between us.

Shamita- Okay, that's cool. I was done with you both fighting. I got only you two, you know that right!

*Pratik nods his head*

Shamita- Oh btw, since everything is good, can you call Nishant? We three haven't talked together for a while. It's post-Christmas so let's celebrate.

*Pratik walks out to look for Nishant. He sees him sitting alone, thinking about stuffs on the garden bench.*

Pratik- Hey, Nishant let's go inside and have a talk.

*Nishant glances at Pratik once and then turns forward again.*

*Pratik sits beside him.*

Nishant- I just realised we didn't properly talk to each other after the Christmas party.

Pratik- That's true.

Nishant- Why is it always me Pratik?

*Pratik turns his head facing Nishant. His face reflects visible confusion.*

Nishant- Everytime that we fight, you never come to apologise. Its always me. I try to avoid situations that can lead us into a heated argument. That day, Karan questioned me. He said I could've taken your name for the debate but I instead took Shamita's. Why should I always be the matured one Pratik?

Pratik leans back, looking at the sky above- Do you see the moon above?

Nishant- Huh?

Pratik- Do you see the stars above?

*Nishant nods his head*

Pratik- There are thousands of stars in the sky, but there's only one moon. The stars fall, rise, shine again. They make mistakes because they're silly. Just like me. But the moon never leaves their back. Because the moon is matured. Like you.

*Nishant smiles at Pratik. His eyes shining the brightest under the moonlit night.*

Nishant- Never thought you had this side of you, huh.

Pratik leans his body towards Nishant and brings his head closer to his and says- There are many things you don't know about me.

*Nishant felt something. Something wierd. He instantly leans back and looks away.*

Nishant- Uh- um. Let- let's just go inside. You wanted to talk right?

*Nishant was about to go inside when Pratik shouts his name.*

Pratik- Nishant!

Nishant- What now?

PraNish- A tale of selfless love and affection.Where stories live. Discover now