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*The next day, Nishant was found sitting next to the pool, mumbling something to himself, a little bit angrily. His face looks kinda pale and irritated. Nothing seems to grab his attention. Shamita notices this and approaches him out of concern*

Shamita- Good morning, Nish.

Nishant- *looks unbothered by the sudden greeting*

Shamita- Okay seriously, tell me what's wrong with you. Are you possessed, mumbling like that to yourself?

Nishant- Damn, you did not have to irritate my like that early in the morning.

Shamita- Exactly, it's early in the morning. How long have you been here?

Nishant- *All night*

Shamita- And why does your face looks so pale...wait, don't tell me you've been sitting here all night!

Nishant- I was just not feeling sleepy. Nothing else.

Shamita- Is that really it?

*Shamita notices Nishant looking curiously to something on the other end of the garden. When she looks carefully she finds Pratik and Akasa, sitting side by side, talking gleefully.*

Nishant- Why do you think people ship them so much?

Shamita- Uhm...maybe because they find a chemistry!? Also Akasa likes him, it's evident.

Nishant- But does he?

Shamita- Honestly, what's your problem?

Nishant- ...

Shamita- Don't think I didn't see that. You clearly don't like her then why do you try to maintain good connections with her? Why don't you talk to hi-

Nishant- -Its of no use Shamita. If he likes her, then I should like her too. Moreover, he said I would never be a burden to him but don't you see he still ignores me?

Shamita- But you do know that he has problems interacting with people right? He only has you Nishant and now if he feels good with Akasa, we shouldn't be the judge of their status or her character. You too talk to your other friends but did he ever ask you not to?

Nishant- Hmm.

*Nishant's pov*

Bullshit! He said I am his first priority, he didn't even care to wish me first. All he cares about is her. I hate her audacity. Nobody really seems to understand me, do they? Guess now I have to deal with it in my way.

*That evening*

BB- The procedure of nominations for elimination this week will shortly start. You are asked to not discuss with anyone regarding this. After a bell, each of you will come into the confession room and give a name whom you want to nominate and stating the reason, will ensure your vote.

*A chaos takes place in the house and everybody starts creating their own strategies to survive this nomination. Soon a bell sound is heard and one by one contestants go in, voting for two such contestants who are the weakest in this house according to them.*

*Now it was Nishant's turn to go in.*

BB- Nishant, who are those two contestants whom you find the weakest according to you in this house? And why?

*It was a tough choice for Nishant but it seemed like he was sure of something and spelled out the name of the first one. Now he said the second name out aloud-*

PraNish- A tale of selfless love and affection.Where stories live. Discover now