(Love) Triangle? (Part - 3)

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*Nishant was too stunned to speak. He couldn't believe his ears.*

*Nishant's pov*

This girl, I knew I couldn't trust her. She spent most of her times with me and now that we had a fight, she proposed my friend? What does she think she is doing! She is getting on my nerves. I must do something about this. I don't want her to be the reason me and Pratik fight.

Author- But unfortunately, what Nishant was afraid of took place that very evening. A task was organised where Nishant was against Devo and a huge chaos makes the situation heated.

Nishant- Karan, Teja, I wanted to clarify something. Between me and Devo, will you help me?

Karan- Why should we help you?

Nishant- Look, I know you guys do not want Devo to get the ticket to finale. If you help me beat Devo this round, I will nominate her so she goes out this weekend. That way, both of us will get what we want.

Teja- That's true, we don't want Devo in ticket to finale but how do we trust you?

Nishant- Look, Pratik wants to save Devo so he is going to play for her, not me. But I do not want Devo here so I want your help. Trust me, I will nominate her, only her.

*Nishant was aware of the fact that these people were his competitors who will never play for him but today he wanted what they wanted so it was a mutual agreement. The determination in Nishant's eyes was visible. It ultimately convinced Karan and Teja to play for him.*

Teja- But tell me something, why are you suddenly so determined to eliminate Devo? She was your friend. I know you guys fought but I thought it was over. Not just out from the ticket to finale but you also want to evict her from the house. I'm curious to know why!

Nishant- I don't like her anymore. We were never friends and it's also true that I don't want her in this house any longer. That's all I can say for now.

*The round started and as expected, Pratik did not play for Nishant. Instead, he played for Devo but Karan, Teja and their group helped Nishant which ultimately made him win. As promised, he nominated Devoleena.*

Pratik- Nishant why did you nominate Devo? I tried to explain you the reason, didn't I?

Nishant, frustrated- What reason? I just did what I felt Pratik. Please don't question me.

Pratik- But why did you have to nominate her? She is our friend.

Nishant- Your friend, not mine. Also, till this point in this game, when did we ever question our actions? Didn't we promise ourselves to not question our decisions?

Pratik- We didn't but Nishant what was the need? I already told you that I played for her because nobody will nominate you, but her. I had to fight for my friend!

Nishant- And me? What am I then Pratik? What if I tell you that I wanted to win this task but the only one I wanted for me refused to play for me? Instead, you wanted to play for someone else who was against me! Is this justifiable?

Pratik- Nishant think logically! If it was about you, I would've done anything but you weren't in danger. You were not the one going in nominations so why shouldn't I play for my friend?

Nishant- But I wanted to win this Pratik. Anyway, you did what you wanted, I did what I felt like.

*At this point, the situation gets heated up and both of them starts screaming at each other. People start to gather.*

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