Chapter 23

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*Danielle's POV*

I sat in silence waiting.

I gripped the knife in my hands and sat in my kitchen going over everything that was gonna happen over and over in my head. he was inside but he didn't know I was here, he was waiting but I was here the whole time.

I heard him walk into the kitchen and turn the lights on. I wasn't scared, I was ready.

"hiding from me? hm id think you'd be more excited to see me" he said in his deep toned voice.

"you haven't changed a bit Mike, so tell me how'd you break out?" I asked.

"the cops in that facility are dumb, got around them so easily. almost like they let me get out" he smirked.

without having time to think i lunged forward and tried to stab him, it backfired as I felt the cool blade go into my stomach.

"she's mine Danielle. nobody will get in my way! she's mine and if I can't have her nobody can Danielle do you hear me?! you can't protect her! you never could have!" Mike yelled.

I felt the blood ooze from my stomach with every minute passing. he sat watching letting me die a slow painful death.

"she... sh.. she will get away she always does mi... mike." I said stuttering.

"you won't win... ever." I said and his expression changed.

he reached back and pulled out a gun. he pointed at my head and pulled the trigger.

even with me gone, even with us all gone he wouldn't win and I wouldn't let him.

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