Chapter 19

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A few days later Jack and Alex could go home. I walked inside and walked Alex up to his bed. He'd gone through so much and it sucked.

(2 months later, April)
After a while me and my mom had collected stuff for the baby. His or her room was coming together really nicely. Jack got a job and things were going better than I thought they would. Everyone at school knew but never asked or said anything about it which I was grateful for.

I walked into school and got my stuff like I usually did. I walked to french and sat in my seat. I leaned back and started thinking about random things that didn't have to deal with actual french. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain go through my stomach. I tried to push it off but it just got worse. I couldn't breath and the next thing I knew I was on the floor with Jack above me.

I woke up in the hospital and looked around to see Jack next to me.
"What happened?" I asked Jack scared of what might've happened to me.
"The doctor doesn't really know but he said it's nothing to worry about" he said.
I stared up at the ceiling in silence.
"So have you thought of any names yet?" Jack said smiling.
I smiled before speaking.
"Jack we don't even know the gender yet."
"So we can still come up with ideas" he said with a smirk.
"If it's a boy then I say we name him Bladen and if it's a girl I say we name her Caleigh" Jack said.
"Yeah I like those" I said smiling as he took my hand in his.
"Would you rather have a boy or girl?" I asked Jack curiously.
"I don't know, I don't think it really matters, we'd be great parents either way." Jack said.


Sorry for taking forever to update, Im having major writers block on where I want to take this.

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