Chapter 4

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The entire car ride I listened to my favorite classical album. I was never into "real" music as my family put it. The songs reminded me of when I danced. I used to love to dance, in fact I was one of the best in the state. It was my passion. Of course that's another thing I stopped doing because of Mike.

I was in my studio in my backyard learning the dance to my new routine as Mike walked in.
"What the fuck are you doing?" He said laughing.
"Dancing" I said back.
"Well you fucking suck so literally stop" he said seriously.
I ignored him and continued.
He ran up to me and pushed me down.
"Are you deaf? I said you suck. I told you to stop. Listen to me or you'll regret it" he said as he was on top of me.
With his weight starting to crush me I nodded and he got off.
I hadn't danced since.


We arrived to our new neighborhood. It was full of big houses and little kids running around. I turned to Alex and he was smiling at the boys running around. I smiled to myself knowing he would make friends really easily. We pulled up to our house, it was big and really beautiful. I ran inside to look around. I walked up the stairs into the biggest room with a walk in closet and it's own bathroom and balcony,
"You can have this room if you'd like" my mom said walking in looking around.
"Really?" I said surprised.
"Yeah really. Look around a bit more and then come help unpack ok? And Lauren, I love you" she said.
I just smiled back to her.

I unpacked and layed on my bed. My mom said I could have a week to get used to all this but I decided to just start school tomorrow. I was ready to start over.

I woke up at 6am and started getting ready. I washed my face, applied my makeup and curled my long brown hair. I threw on a white sweater and some leggings. I looked at myself and smiled. I felt confident for fhe first time in forever. Hopefully you couldn't see in my face that I'd been through the worst year of my life.

"Bye mom thank you for the ride" I said to my mom as I got out of the car.
"No problem, but Lauren, don't let what happened keep you from getting out there." She said
"Love you" I said walking away.
"Love you more" she said.
I could feel her eyes as well as several others on me as I walked in.

I walked towards my locker and nervously put in the combination. The school smelled like a mix of typical high school and weed. Two smells I've been all to familiar with. I got my books for 1st period which was French.
I was the first one in the class so I took a seat in the back.
"Bonjour!" My teacher said.
"Bonjour" I said in response.
"I am Ms. Matthews. Here's what you'll need for the year, I'm sure you'll do great here." She said smiling.

I sat as 3 girls walked in. One with blond hair sat next to me.
"Hi I'm Amber are you new here?" She said with a big smile.
"Yeah I'm Lauren. I just moved here from New York" I said.
"Cool, I can show you around and stuff like that today if you'd like?" She asked.
"Yeah id like that" I replied with a smile.

I haven't had a real friend since Katie. She was my everything, just thinking about it killed me inside. I wish id gotten to her sooner, I could've stopped her. I just wish I knew why she did it. There were never any signs. She was the happiest person I've ever met. She never stopped smiling.

I looked up as a tall boy with dark hair walked in. He looked at me and I could feel my face getting red. I looked away quickly. I haven't been able to feel safe around any guys besides my dad and Alex after everything. But he was different and I didn't know why. He sat down next to me and smiled.
"Hi I'm Jack" he said.

Sorry the first couple chapters are boring but it's gonna get really interesting soon 😏

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