Chapter 2

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I waited outside for the bus. It was a cold September morning. It had been almost a year since I met him, since it all began. I shook off the thought and got on the bus on my way to the hellhole called school.

I walked in and went straight to my locker. I really had no friends, I really had no one. Everyone knew me as "that girl who dated Mike and got him in jail". Everyone knew, and everyone either hated me or felt sorry for me. I was never someone who got out there, I always kept to myself. Then Mike came along and completely changed me, at the end of all that he broke me.

I looked over my shoulder to have Eliza and her friends walking towards me. I felt the blood run to my cheeks as I began to sweat.
"Hey Lauren, what's up?" One of Eliza's friends said to me. She was tall and strong. She's always the one who talked first before they all attacked me.
I stayed silent.
"Gonna answer me dumbass?" She yelled in my face.
With that she threw a punch and I fell to the ground. She kicked me repeatedly, until I basically stopped breathing. They walked away and so did the crowd around me. I got up as I did everyday and went to the bathroom. I skipped the rest of the day as usual. I hadn't been to any of my classes since the first day of school. I always wanted to do well in school, go to college and get a good job. But I was just too broken to do anything. My parents didn't know, and I dreaded the day they did.

I opened my bag and pulled out my blade. I never used to cut before Mike. I remember the night so clearly.


"What are you doing?" I said to Mike as we sat in his backyard smoking like we did almost every night.
"Getting something for you to try" Mike said.
I was always scared of Mike, of the way he acted, the way he spoke, just everything. I only said yes when he asked me out because I was scared.
He pulled out the blade and came and sat next to me.
"What is that?" I said with worry in my voice.
"Shutup just watch" he said as he grabbed my arm and started to make little cuts in it.
I never fought back. I never said anything. I let him do whatever he wanted. Because I was just purely scared.


I stopped cutting as I heard someone walk in. It was a teacher. I hoped she hadn't seen me which guessing by her walking out 2 minutes after walking in she hadn't.

The dismissal bell rang and I ran out of school. I decided id would walk home instead of the bus. I walked inside to see my mom and dad standing in the kitchen. They were waiting for me. They both have never missed a day of work in their life, so I was nervous as to why they were home, and what they had to say to me.

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