Prey and Predator

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Alice’s POV

“We aren’t going to make it!” I cried as we ran as fast as we could towards Charlie’s home. The vision kept playing over and over in my mind. All I could see was the predatory glint in Bella’s golden-brown eyes as she lowered her lips to her father’s neck. That simple vision haunted Edward’s mind too; I knew that because he asked no questions and did not have another one of his verbal battles with Jacob. We ran and ran, soon arriving to the town of Forks. But my nose, and my gut instinct, told me Bella has already passed through here…

Bella’s POV

The smell was delectable and made my mouth water, it gave me the urge- no, the need- to feast. Upon this delicious smelling prey, I shall feed.

But it’s Charlie! Yelled a voice inside me, but I paid it no heed. The voice was so inferior, it sounded like it loved prey. No, it sounded like prey. How could I, a predator, have the voice of a prey inside my own body? As I stepped into this prey- this Charlie’s- home, the smell became stronger; an irresistible temptress. The prey was in his living room, watching television. He smelt delectable. I entered slowly, wishing to watch the human panic, and the voice inside of me screamed stronger. I did not listen to it, and soon the need to hunt replaced it. The sweet, caring, prey voice became hard, cold and that of a hunter. The weak prey voice only interrupted every now and then.

Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. No! Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. No. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill!

It had won; the kind voice was finally gone. I walked into the living room, taking slow human-speed steps. The prey turned around and seemed surprised to see me. “Bella?” He asked, and the name stirred something inside me.

I am Bella.


But that didn’t matter, it was simply a name. I am a lot of things; and I shall be his killer. He looked at me strangely. “Bella, you seem different. What happened to your eyes?” I spared a glance at a mirror that hung in the room and saw they were a dark golden brown. I was not very thirsty; but I still wanted his blood. “Hmm,” I said. “You’re right, this gold is not fitting. Red would be so much better.” “Red?” “Yes, but there is only one way to get my eyes red; I simply must have a drink.” “A drink?” He asked, confusion clear in his eyes. “Yes, a drink. Of human blood.” He paled. “B-Bella? What’s happening to you?” I ran towards him with vampiric speed; in a blink of the human eye, I was holding him up with one arm. He began trembling with fear as I spoke. “Why, something wonderful! I have changed, and I feel so alive. Ironic is it not? The undead feels alive.” I gave a slightly maniacal giggle; but I was enjoying myself. “And, unlike you, I shall be alive still after this meeting.” “You’re going to kill me?” “No. I am going to sacrifice you to the greater species. I shall drain you dry.” He paled and struggled as I lowered my mouth to his neck…

Alice’s POV

We arrived at Charlie’s house in mere seconds after we entered Forks, but Bella’s scent was fresh. I was scared for Charlie’s sake. He was a good man. Is, I corrected myself furiously. He is a good man. Surely Bella didn’t kill her own father… We entered the house; Bella’s scent showed she left. But the first thing that hit me was the smell of blood on the floor.

Bella’s POV (A minute before Alice arrived)

There was a bite, and I let go off everything I was holding. I realized what I was doing and held my breath. I looked down on the ground, where a wolf cub sat. The cub had bitten me to protect Charlie! I looked at my hand, watching the slim trickle of blood. I shot an apoplectic glance at my father, picked up the wolf-Ebony, and ran. I ran far and stopped in the forest. I put the wolf-Ebony down on the grass and sat there watching her. “You saved your grandpa, did you know that?” I could have sworn the wolf cub was grinning, but dismissed it as imagination. “Can you change back Ebony?” I asked the little cub, noticing how her fur was the same shade as her hair had been and how her eyes were still chocolaty brown. To my extreme surprise, the cub nodded and began changing back to a- whatever she was. The change was quick, quicker than I had seen any of the La Push pack change. Yet the beautiful, hours old, gurgling baby in front of me looked months old. “Impossible…”

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